I've been thinking about this for a while, and I wrote my theory in a comment under this post, but wanted to put it out there for debate.

If we are indeed watching a “show” and the white hats are in control (we can see obvious signs of this):

• Why are MSM and the government still pushing the shot?

• Why would they be permitted to promote a dangerous and deadly injection, that many believe is a bioweapon? The facts are available, the VAERS data clearly proves the danger.

• Why does Trump continue to promote and proudly take credit for the Covid-19 Vaccine (as he did in a news release today)?

The only way I can make sense of it, assuming that Trump and his team (the plan) are operating in humanity’s best interests, is:

The Covid-19 vaccine IS the necessary “scare event,” as mentioned by Q in post 521.

(Side note: 521= May 21?)

My rationale: Trump and his team are allowing the vaccine to be promoted and administered in accordance with the cabal’s plans to SHOW us their evil plans for humanity. The drug was rushed to market under an EUA, so it cannot be mandated, but they are cramming it down our throats through the MSM, government and agencies. Ohio lottery, anyone?

Using fear or the dangling carrot (to "get back to normal”), people are blindly pulling up their sleeves and allowing an experimental, untested, mystery batch of gobbledygook be injected into their precious bodies. Schools are offering onsite clinics for children, workplaces, travel and colleges are mandating it. It seems NO ONE is able to think critically about this serious decision, in their rush to return to “normal.”

When it is announced that the injection is indeed a BIOWEAPON created by the cabal to maim and reduce the earth’s population, all hell will break loose. (May 21?) EVERYONE will be affected (as the scare event requires), vaccinated or not. We all have friends, family, neighbors, coworkers and vital community members who have taken the injection.

Perhaps they will tell us that life expectancy will be reduced to 2-3 years, and/or all those vaccinated, including vaccinated children, are now infertile. Maybe they will tell us this is an Extinction Level Event (ELE). What a huge lesson in critical thinking we will all learn.

Signs are starting to point in that direction, with the recent MSM news that Rand Paul is accusing Fauci of funding the Wuhan lab. It was also announced that a group of House Republicans introduced a bill, titled the Fauci's Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal (FIRED) Act, to effectively fire Fauci.

For this theory to work (and not backfire horribly), Trump and his team must have an antidote or healing therapy to reverse the effects of the vaccine. Med beds? (Scroll through the photos of FoxConn's "8th wonder of the world" produced in Wisconsin.)

Or, one must have unwavering faith that God will heal those who took the injection in good conscience. Perhaps we will have the second coming of His son, Jesus Christ, soon?

Post 3815
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the street.



Longtime lurker, first-time poster here.

My theory is that certain news is being released (or re-released) ahead of the storm, to provide a roadmap for when the storm hits. It then waits in storage until needed, so to say, for normies to find when it goes down.

What is the first thing a normie will do? Google it. And in their search results, up pops recent major MSM sources CONFIRMING the scathing news. (So it must be true, right?!)

Here's two from yesterday:

Time Magazine: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election"


Uses the word "cabal," mentions Zuckerberg holding dinners to decide how to censor and create a narrative, and so many other great points that anons mentioned in previous posts about the article. Although it's written from a leftist perspective (as "required" by a publication like TIME Magazine), it actually functions as an exposé of the major players and their plan to "save the election."

Yesterday, just a couple hours before the Time article was released, Elle Magazine released the below article, a "puff piece" for entertainment news.

Elle Magazine: "Jennifer Aniston Posted A Rare New Photo With Selena Gomez, Giving A Candid Look At Their Friendship"


Read the article. See anything alarming? Sharing pizza and the bizarre phrasing about pizza being "so fun." It's there, in online print (right in the second paragraph!), ready to be discovered by normies when #pizzagate/Epstein drops (again) and they are bewildered about their celebrity idols.

Sauce: If anyone is interested, here is the original interview on the Ellen Show between Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez from January 24, 2020, starting at 1:15:


It's strange, the phrasing about the pizza. Watch Selena's jaw tighten when Jennifer brings it up. Uncomfortable much? Any body language expert anons out there?

If you question why the left-leaning media would put this out, didn't we hear that DJT owns the media? With a little help from his SA friend? Listen to this shortened video, originally from "The Great Awakening by Bonfire Guy," at 31:43:


Anons have theorized that certain elites are in custody and their social media is being controlled by the white hats. If true, this would be a very easy way to post a photo with innocent birthday wishes and then generate a lovely news article about the friendship of two celebrities, while sprinkling in the details of their pizza fun.

So that's my thoughts. Watch for other articles that come out in the near future. The truth is literally "hidden" in plain sight. Just waiting to be discovered by fresh, awake eyes.