Hello again, its your friend an unamed patriot.

I wanted to share with you how we get thru this.

Its not by hoping and praying for a savior (which is never a bad idea) but it begins with finding common ground with your fellow American.

From experience this can be a challenging endeavor, however finding common ground to build from turns an adversary to a friend.

If one lesson from J6 can be learned, its that Americans passions run deep, however passion without discipline will make fools of us all.

I hope you find some solice in this, as Im seeking wisdom to this matter, however together we are all stronger!

I love you guys. 🌎 WWG1WGAWW 🌍
posted ago by MUDLORD ago by MUDLORD

Hey thank you for reading this.

You and I will likely never meet.

But we are bound by the truth, and the truth will set us free!

Long live hope and the human spirit.

Be free my fren!


Ahoy Pedes!

Did my part, and so did the wife!

Two votes to end tyranny in Illinois!

Lets gucking fooooo!!!


To all you alternate health people out there!

DANG BRO! (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by MUDLORD ago by MUDLORD

The next few years are going to require leadership, and if there is one thing that can be learned from this experience is that God is a jealous God.

When people were climbing into trees to see the President because standing room only was the only option. I finally understood what it meant when the Bible said the same about the crowds to see Jesus.

Faith without works is meaningless, and the new way forward is going to be by men and women of action. The reality is that the God fearing neighbor loving America is going to have to be fought for, and we as a people are going to have to learn to work better together, and I'm not merely talking about Trump voters, but I mean every God fearing freedom loving American who still believes we have a country worth fighting for.

I'm not here to be a doomer, but as a seeker of Truth I know many of YOU are, we as a people need to network, and connect to overwhelmingly show the 1% that we will not go quietly into the night, and ultimately it is WE THE PEOPLE who together are unstoppable.