Seattle Children's Groomer Hospital

I work at this Children's hospital in the PNW. Was devastated today when I learned that they are holding drag queen story hours with our patients and their families.
Call me naive, but up until the last two weeks I had believed our staff were working in the best interests of all kids. I really need prayer fot my next steps. My husband would not be on board with me causing a disruption and losing my job. I am feeling like i need to speak out, but the leadership has basically cut off all forms of dissent and sends us emails about how supportive we are of all the alphabet people.


My youngest son (20) is really struggling to find his place in this world. Please pray for him to know and trust Jesus first and foremost. I am praying that he can find stable and steady work as he just lost another job, and that he will be protected from recent threats of violence against him.

Please please agree with me in prayer for Joseph, that God will use for good what the enemy intended for evil!

I live in a deep blue state where three of my precious grandchildren are forced to mask all day at school. They come to church with me on Sundays (no masks).

Recently I have started taking them shopping after church with me. We go to stores that say "masks required," but we do not! It is such a blessing to see these children (11, 9, 7) so happy to be normal, and apparently happy for an authority figure to tell them its ok not to wear a face diaper.

BE BRAVE FOR THE CHILDREN, they need to see somebody willing to stand up!