Like most here, I will never get this vaccine or future boosters. Before this whole narrative 180s, I'd like to have the option to pretend I'm a sheep while navigating through enemy territory (i.e. my LA neighborhood).

Fake CDC Vax Cards? Medical Exemption papers for Masks? Medical Exemption for the shots? What should we do -- and HOW should we do it?

Wake up and smell the bullshit (twitter.com) 🤡 Clown World 🌎
posted ago by MadDad ago by MadDad

I'm losing it. I can't go on like this anymore. The shit-for-brains fuckheads that surround me are breaking my spirit. I'm truly concerned about...vaccine passports, getting shamed by tyrannical leftists because I'm not "saving their grandma", Deep State FFs, waiting until 2024 for Trump to return, the truth getting suppressed forever, their new variants locking us down again while we take the blame...

So WHEN??? When will it start to change? Will they believe the audit? Will Durham ever reveal his work? Will the pedophiles ever be exposed? Will the leftist idiots crawl back under the rocks from which they came?

Like most of you can understand, it can wear you down. Especially if you live in a Blue area...it's fucking tough. All my family and friends thinks I'm a fool so I just shut my mouth and become the very thing I hate the most...a phony.

Please, I would love to hear some dates. I know it's a faux-pas but I would like to look forward to something, instead of a long summer trying to avoid vaccines and pressure from society to get it.


For me? Truth and Freedom And Humor


We know propaganda, brainwashing and herd/hive mind mentality but could there might be something more "mystical" at play?

I'm trying to get into the mind of the TDS sufferer (whether they be therapists, lawyers, scientists, teachers, nurses, whatever) and understand why they hate Trump so much, still think masks work, can't wait to get an untested vaccine, feel compelled to post a photo on Facebook of them getting it. Why? These people are highly educated and pretty smart in a lot of ways but they seem completely retarded as it pertains to facts, logic, and free thought.

I'm just posing a different take (re: Black Magic Spell) but for the life of me I can't understand how so many are so blind. These Satanic kidfuckers have a few tricks up their sleeve, and while I never experienced Black Magic Spells (that I know of) it honestly makes the most sense to me. Perhaps that is what they are waking up from, the spell.


I know there are loads of you going maskless since the beginning but please let me share a win for me in my neighborhood. I live LA. Since March 2020 I have never seen anyone INSIDE a business without a mask. Unless in a restaurant lately.

Since I heard TJs was allowing people to enter without masks I saw that no one was doing it. The fear of being attacked and videoed and shamed it quite real here. Plus I heard CA won’t be lifting anything until June 15.

That all said...Yesterday I did it.

I grabbed a cart, got a spritz of hand sanitizer (which I never do), and shopped. My heart was pounding out of my chest, but it was my cheeks that were hurting me the most because I was trying to suppress the smile on my face the whole time.

I shopped for 15mins. Leaning across people, chatting with the cashier, smiling at everyone. It was fucking amazing! I was the only one inside the grocery store without a mask, living like a normal person while everyone else still chooses to live in their dystopian sick world.

I can’t wait to do it again!

PS. The best part was this rocker dude in an anarchy shirt that said Fuck the (something) on it was in line with his mask under his nose. The look in his eyes when I smiled at him was perfection.

For All Our Health (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by MadDad ago by MadDad

Just curious if anyone that visits this site did. No judgment. I want to know about any side effects, reasonings, fears.


I actually don't know anymore. There is so much misinformation on the internet. What are the facts? How can we get around this? I would like to hear the ways to circumvent this bullshit.

People in my circle (Los Angeles) are all asking each other daily, "Did you get your vaccine yet?" How rude and invasive can you get? Now I could answer with a "None of your business" but that would immediately ostracize me from the neighborhood (everyone is stubbornly blind). I don't want to become the most hated man on my block. I can navigate their triggers etc. I want to say something like "I'm waiting for the animal testing first." LOL. But I can't without being countered with anger and ugliness. I thought of saying can't get one because I can go into anaphylactic shock. If they rudely press for more info I could say I had an allergic reaction with yellow jackets in my life. Could this work also to get mask and vaccine exemptions? There must be a legit way we can side-step this in some of the more tyrannical areas of the world.


I actually don't know anymore. There is so much misinformation on the internet. What are the facts? How can we get around this? I would like to hear the ways to circumvent this bullshit.

People in my circle (Los Angeles) are all asking each other daily, "Did you get your vaccine yet?" How rude and invasive can you get? Now I could answer with a "None of your business" but that would immediately ostracize me from the neighborhood (everyone is stubbornly blind). I don't want to become the most hated man on my block. I can navigate their triggers etc. I want to say something like "I'm waiting for the animal testing first." LOL. But I can't without being countered with anger and ugliness. I thought of saying can't get one because I can go into anaphylactic shock. If they rudely press for more info I could say I had an allergic reaction with yellow jackets in my life. Could this work also to get mask and vaccine exemptions? There must be a legit way we can side-step this in some of the more tyrannical areas of the world.


Who is actually enjoying this show? Why does everything make my blood boil? Latest today with Wray. Yesterday was SCOTUS. I get the military is the only way- but when? Why do we need this dragged out game to wake up normies? Whatever happened to being shocked? Why can’t they be shocked and we can rebuild from there?

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