The images of the ship name clearly say "EVERGREEN" but I'm seeing multiple reports calling it the "Ever Given". I'm assuming a typo, autocorrect started in one report but was copied to others, but here are a few examples calling it the Ever Given. Is there any kind of link to this mistaken name? Any kind of code word?

This YouTube from The Sun: https://youtu.be/YLOFKJ9MXIc

CNN video, article: https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/24/middleeast/suez-canal-container-ship-intl-hnk/index.html

AP https://apnews.com/article/cargo-ship-blocks-egypt-suez-canal-5957543bb555ab31c14d56ad09f98810

Just search for cargo ship "ever given" and you'll see a lot of sources naming it this, with a clear name of EVERGREEN in the photos.


We see some convincing points to this theory, so how far does it go? When Kamala joins the same flight on "AF1" with Biden, does she know? Is she in on it too? How about Jen Psaki? Can we agree on some points that they are really in the actual Whitehouse? Did Biden actually trip up the stairs or was that an act? Thanks Frens


Sorry for the vent my frens, but damn I'm so tired of this, it's time for some action. No more subtle insane code words and timestamps to Q posts.

What is the military in control of at the moment? The rising gas prices? The joining of the Paris Climate Accord? The stopping of the pipeline? If the military is on control, what exactly are they doing, how bad does it need to be to "show the people"?

So people are waking up, that's great. What is the goal, to inform everybody how shitty it is now? Or are we going to see some damned action any time soon?

I love Trump GEOTUS as much as any of us patriots but damn that speech today was just another letdown from expectations. We are being sold the 2022 election prep.

We've gotta stop promoting posts talking about somebody drawing an imaginary Q in the air, or Scavino supposedly going on Google Maps, finding the straight line to GITMO, when it's obviously a photo of the flag.

You wanna ban me for this? I'm only asking real questions, don't be a liberal and silence opposing opinions. It's time to start asking these big questions. Everybody knows the election was stolen, so WHAT IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT? If you think 2022 and 2024 is the answer, Q says nothing of the sort. Stop acting like Q was preparing us for 2024.

"The military is in control"

We keep hearing this but it's starting to sound like an excuse to keep us in line and waiting, instead of expecting action. I'm not Arrests or GTFO but how long must this go on?




Is it still with Trump or is it parked elsewhere, with nobody using it?


Have you noticed the sign language interpreters being used more often and more prominently, even with today's technology providing instant subtitles? If you can block out the interpreters and focus on the speaker, you may see a different view. Watch Biden's recent videos clearly reading the teleprompter, use an object to block out the interpreter so you are focused only on Biden. You will see how frail and dependent he is on the teleprompter.


I've been struggling with this as of late. To the normies, it looks bleak for Trump. Any time I want to cheer somebody up, it opens up a whole line of questions and a whole buncha "I hope you're right" comments. Then with any speedbumps or dooming from MSM, I get flooded with "Is it over?" texts. These are all time consuming as I'm sure you all know, plus I've been putting them on a huge emotional rollercoaster ride, with my comments taking them back up, and the news dropping them back down. It's very hard to compete with the news. Sometimes I think I shouldn't have told them because these people can't see it yet and they keep dooming on me.

What if, from now until Jan 20th + 1, our job now is to sit back, keep our own eyes on the habbenings, posts, real news, and wait for Trump to be inaugurated again. Then we'll be there to answer the flood of questions of how this happened.

I'm thinking this will take less of an emotional toll on them, instead of the constant ups and downs. What do y'all think?


I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

For it was by faith that Christ showed himself unto our fathers, after he had risen from the dead; and he showed not himself unto them until after they had faith in him; wherefore, it must needs be that some had faith in him, for he showed himself not unto the world.

But because of the faith of men he has shown himself unto the world, and glorified the name of the Father, and prepared a way that thereby others might be partakers of the heavenly gift, that they might hope for those things which they have not seen.

Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith.


Remember Trump said he and Pence had the same thinking? Why did Trump pick Pence to be his VP in 2016? Did he choose some random unknown guy that had a few ties to certain people?

Trump knows Pence better than any of us. Pence had a role to play. Remember what's coming, it couldn't have happened to the fullest extent if Pence didn't "betray" Trump.

Pence could be doing what's best for the country so the Military can come in.


Maybe we've had it wrong, instead of Trump being completely blocked from Twitter, wouldn't "POTUS twitter removal" only mean that the name on https://twitter.com/potus switches to Joe Biden, but https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump stays up?


I don't remember the words "Trump twitter removal", but only POTUS. Maybe this only means the @potus account itself getting changed to Biden, since Twitter has control of this.