UGHHH! NOT MY PRESIDENT I think Trump was genuinely right a long time ago, when he suggested that it might be elderly abuse to put bogus biden in this position. Trump was exactly right - bogus biden IS being abused and used to abuse us! The man is NOT all 'there'!
No offense but this sounds like a big nothing burger. As far as I can tell, nothing that supports evidence of a bigger "Plan" outside of Trump's accomplishments, has transpired. It is easy to claim that Trump participates in Q but Q itself cannot be verified as anything more than an intelligence grunt having fun at our expense. No disrespect but we have to be realistic, open minded and eyes wide open for everything. If the military suddenly comes out and takes down the DS, then I will GLADLY apologize from the bottom of my heart and be forever grateful to God for rescuing our country from ruin through our brave military and their plan. Right now, it feels like time is slipping away and we've allowed the enemy to enter the sanctuary...
I remember that poll but many military personnel disputed it, saying they did not trust the data because everyone they served with, were largely for Trump.
The polls were obviously wrong in 2016 and of course, we know they were dead wrong in 2020, despite the tyrannical takeover, we KNOW that Trump received more votes than anyone in U.S. history. I am praying our military population more closely resembles civilian political views...