Wish had the time to read here or post much anymore but in case anybody missed the story I just heard on a plane on Fox News of all places that he was a possible KT. I deal with Florida state level pols for business quite a bit and Ali started showing up on Florida fundraisers on 'celeb' / VIP lists early 2020 election cycle. TBH NOBODY there thought Ali was really legit. Nobody should pull a 'fake news' or 'mainstream media assasination' card on this. Talk to him for 5 minutes and you'll know he's a weirdo from word go.



If you weren't following on the fun / speculation on 8kun and adjacent sites - that Russian plane that landed at Dulles last night.. is still there surprisingly. Non-stop from St.Petersburg to DC avoiding any NATO airspaces (check out the yuge right turn at Finland who isn't even in NATO that added 2 hours to flight).



edit: Supposedly they are picking up Russians Biden Admin want out..




Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) said today that they will not grant Ukraine's request for the implementation of no-fly zones.

"We are NOT part of this conflict, and we have a responsibility to ensure it does not escalate and spread beyond Ukraine,"

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg just told a news conference..


Completely forgot about this guy. So much stuff was going on with elections etc. Was like an Anti-5G thing or Tennessee recount hub or something? Nothing solid though IIRC (so far obviously)..



8 - Roman Catholics (2 Bidens, Thomas, Comey-Barrett, Sotomayor, Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh

2 - Jewish (Kagan, Breyer)

1 - half Catholic (raised, trained, schooled) half Episcopal aka Catholic jr. (Gorsuch)



So no pics, names, aka 'big booms' released etc? Defense is not going to do it obviously.

Let this be a lesson for those who are thrilled by 'upcoming court cases' and not 'Military Tribunals'... Deep State is SOO good at this. Memes don't matter in things like this - power and position does.



MTG : " “I’ve told everyone what a horrible person Lin Wood is and if you watched Tucker Carlson tonight then you heard from Kyle Rittenhouse one of the reasons why I think so.

'Lin keeping Kyle in jail instead of bailing him out with ALL that money donated FOR Kyle is absolutely evil. Lin should go to jail for what he did to Kyle'. "Blame him for why Georgia lost our Senate seats.

He’s from Georgia and we know him as a life long Democrat not a Republican.

He grifted off of Trump & told people not to vote on Jan 5th saying their vote would be stolen.”



It's a faux doc (Spinal Tap style) from 2004 that shows the history of the US after the '2nd American Revolution' after the South won the 'war of Northern aggression' and the History that followed up to present day. Pretty mild political overtones (IIRC a bunch of Libs like Phil Donahue and Rob Reiner actually came after this movie for even MENTIONING the thought of slavery in the 2000's before it came out, not getting the idea it was an exercise in what if's) Cool watch for History buffs and those that need a break from 'Lets go Brandon' memes. Youtube has a pretty good bootleg:

Trailer: https://youtu.be/gIqxBn1oLAY

Movie: https://youtu.be/exnwTWfFRM8

Candace Owens' is an incredible interview ... as was Babe Ruth. And of course both were pretty dang good at their jobs. It'd be interesting to see if there was a long lost relation going back. I have to wonder if it's because she got to use Babe Ruth's nose after he passed on is part of it.. like a family heirloom. Like +10 to intellect / charisma on reusable nose with account avail / lock.

Trying to have a bit of fun here. Don't get triggered. Happy Sunday pedes.


"The Closer" is the last of his 'Netflix' ones he signed to do. Watched 2x this morning. Makes fun of everyone from Weinstein, Jussie Smollett, Clintons, Tiki Torchers, Jews and DESTROYS LBGTQ community down to it's foundation over and over and over. Q is even mentioned off handed briefly It is relentless and this is a must find (Torrents are your friend).


.. and for those who fancy looking for 'red shoes' and / or can't see the pic - red stiletto high heeled boots calf high, rolled down white bikini topless with hands over nips



Non-vax / anti-vax vs Biden vs Trump playing both sides is leading to this unease IMHO. He posted about his support (again) for vaccine and this is going all sideways with reopenings and reclosings... Market hates unknowing.



Family near there...Just hitting the wires. BY THE WAY: Aventura Mall is near Hollywood Beach (Broward / Miami county border) about 3 minutes from the sand and almost exactly midway between Mara Lago and Miami Beach where Kushners settled (know area very well). Roger Stone lives about 20 minutes north, Parscale about 30 minutes west. Saturday at Lunchtime and VERY VERY busy mall usually FWIW..



Passed an American / British Patriot at 103 Years Young. And those who know Pink Floyd's Song... yes... she was real.

Watch 1 Vera -> https://youtu.be/T5C4meGkNyc

Watch 2 PinkFLoyd-> https://youtu.be/jl20jlVnvYs

Watch 3 -> VE Day + 50 : https://youtu.be/zOpFyDy5CRo


Just researching in different thread, but check this out.

RECENT Florida Residents: Pres Trump, Melania, Baron, Jared, Ivanka, DJT jr, Kimberly G, General Flynn, Roger Stone, Brad Parscale, Tiffany, Tiffany's Fiance, Ivana Trump (AKA DJTjr, Ivanka and Eric's mom) , Vik and Amal (AKA Melania's Parents) Marla Maples (aka Tiffs mom)...


2- https://www.miamiherald.com/miami-com/miami-com-news/article249091255.html

3- https://www.miamiherald.com/miami-com/miami-com-news/article225787815.html

4- https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/politics/2021/04/21/michael-flynn-former-trump-national-security-adviser-buys-home-englewood-florida-boca-royale/7307825002/


Check this out. WinsAnon content / contemplated / combined with good posters here trying it. .. So far so good.

origins: https://greatawakening.win/p/12i4I544HN/i-wish-there-were-a-ga-podcast/

1st try: https://youtu.be/pq3QgLVqjwg


^ Somebody ^ surprisingly soon scoring superb, stunning Swiss sculpted, steel sighted, Stainless Steel slided, Sig Sauer S/P210 Standard. Sweet!

Splendid sidearm: https://www.sigsauer.com/p210-standard.html