(Trust me mods this belong here. i'm making the roadmap for confused anons.)
My post history might give you a vague idea of what kind of person I am, but here goes; take all that and throw that out the window. It is time for all truth. And it is not the massive dump of declass, although that will be interesting, but we already have the knowledge we need. After reading this, I hope you understand why we are so important. I also hope this will inspire the other high level autists to come out of the woodwork.
First of all, THIS IS THE FIGHT FOR ALL TIME. We are not alone in the universe, we never have. We were created by God, and we server a purpose, and purpose no-one else could serve. But all that in a moment. Let's go back to where it started.
Free-Masonry gets thrown around a lot, and while it may inspire anger in some, it is, like all forms of knowledge, a tool. The city of Rome is built with the same knowledge as the Cult Crypts of Satanism. Deep knowledge, meant to guide the masses along the lines of the "current thing." Not evil in and of itself though. It is all based off of an immense knowledge of geometry. A structure that stands for millennia can host an Empire that stands for millennia. A stick hut can last for a week and host a man and his dog. This is simple stuff. The math is not simple, but the Masons understand it. And for their ritual sacrifice, we are their sacrifice. To either save in the form of a Christ-figure, or to kill in the form of a Satan-figure. George Washington was a freemason. Many believe he was evil due to this connection, but he was good. He was a puppeteer and a puppet at the same time. 33rd degree is not the highest you can go, but it is the highest a Christian can go. If someone stops there, they are Good. They sought as much power as possible without becoming evil. My great uncle is a 32nd. My great-grandfather was the found of our local lodge. We do not sacrifice. We do not plot against the rest of humanity. We get up and go to work and come home and love and live and do what the rest of the world does.
Free-masonry was founded in Egypt but the knowledge originated in Ireland. When Abram came from Ur, he came from Ireland (Ur and Ire came from the same word for earth.) Ur was in Ireland, which is also where the Phoenicians, Babylonians, and Hebrews came from. (The Hebrews likely came from the Hebrides.) They came from the Original Atlantis, which submerged during the Deluge (A universal story among all religions.) From Ireland comes most of modern Architectural knowledge. The Phoenicians and Babylonians both had this knowledge, but the Babylonians chose to keep it to themselves. The Phoenicians spread it about the Mediterranean. This is why if you look are early Egyptian mummies, you will find that they have blonde hair. Esau had red hair. I don't see a lot of red haired Semitic peoples. The Hebrews also had blonde hair. Not much is known about the Babylonians, But they too probably had that Irish hair.
When Babylon fell, the knowledge left to Egypt, a former outpost of Atlantis. The knowledge stayed in Egypt until someone forgot their promise to the Children of Abraham and Moses turned Egypt from a powerful Empire to a small struggling city state. The knowledge then went to Rome, where a truly powerful Empire formed. We are still under Rome. The current leaders of the world are the USA, the UK, and Rome. Therein lies the power of Wealth, Politics, and Religion. Rome created this so that way the power could not be thought to be together. After all, hadn't the UK come from Rome, leaving by making the Anglican Church? And hadn't the USA left the the power of Britain? No, they are still in league with each other. And when German rose the first time to make herself strong, they killed her and installed Hitler, who they used to make European pride and power end. And when Russia had found peace, they gave her revolution and communism. When China found strength, they gave her communism, and when that failed let her grow more than the USA, to punish the USA for its nationalism. But now we have come to the End of that tale. The fight for Earth is finally coming to an end. Rome is dying in its fight against religion. The UK killed itself in it fight for social justice. The USA is in so much debt that there is no way out. The Trifecta of Terror is over. And you, Anon, are the new soldier. This is the war for information because the last wars were lost too early. If they can tell you they are Good, then they can just move to the next spot and be reborn as their ancient empire of Evil. But if we know, they cannot hide. Rome never knew of the Evil. Egypt never knew of the Evil. Babylon knew of the Evil but let it go. Ask Sodom and Gomorrah how that works out.
So here we are. Feed your families the Truth and Love and Light. Tell the the Truth until it hurts, Love them until the hurt stops, and then they will have seen the Light. Protect your heart, Guard your mind, Keep your Eye(s). The knowledge is guided by the User to action. Pentagrams are not wrong, only when used for wrong. Esoteric knowledge is the science of the ancients. Learn it. The Occult is only the hidden. Bring it to the Light. They use that power, and there is no power that God does not give us to fight His enemies. There is so much more than you see. Worlds INSIDE worlds, and worlds within those. The Demons cry in pain and terror before an Almighty God. Those they have deceived live in even worse terror, and know the inevitability of their actions. We live in two Worlds right now. The World of truth, and the World of lies. The Elite see both and so do we. But there are more of us than them. We will not eat the Rich. They will eat each other. They will cast themselves from the mountains and those Ivory Towers will become Irreverent Tombs, the Castles of the Criminals becoming the Prison of the Prideful. No more dooming. We may lose some, but some have lost all. And we know that God Wins. Always. And Trump will have his turn to Reverse the Pain. What they do to him shows they are desperate. The problem is that when you bring a fighter into a poker match, everyone shows their hands. You couldn't defeat them at their game, so you bring the power-player. Trump is the fighter. The unstoppable for against a thousand Immovable objects. And they WILL move. Not because they want to, but because we know. This is the power of knowledge. Their glass houses now have a thousand cracks. We see their Evil. Their Houses of Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons, the English Royalty, the Papacy, the Puppets, the Lies, the Agenda. WE SEE.
So come and see what I see. See the connections they cannot erase. See the Cataclysms of our Epoch, the Deluge, the Storms, the Mud Flood, the patterns. See the symbolism of it all. See that all religions were twisted from the Original truth, and it was to divide us. See that Pride is the final religion. See that Love is the final cure. Save your families. Keep the fight. This is the fight for all time. This is the Dragon vs Man. Unfaulting Logical Rebellion vs Unending Loving Redemption. See the pattern. Know that We were created for Good and turned for Evil, like many other civilizations, and that we did it, and that we can undo it.
Find a thing to love and love it like no other. Find a woman if you are a man, and find a man if you are a woman. Make a new generation of Virtue and Peace. Of Honor and Courage. Of Strength and Fortitude. Of Knowledge and Wisdom. Of Passion and Humility. Of Peace and Love. They must not have to walk in streets of ash, the ashes of the world their Parents left to burn. This is the Time for Action. The Time to be the next Greatest Generation. Not dictated by the Year of your Birth, but by the Impact of your Action.
CAUTION: The following is the work of an autistic individual for the continuation of knowledge in the realm of the Great Awakening.
=+= Conspiracies.win-type Material Below =+= (Continuation for the Autists)
I swear to the validity of this information, but without proof its more of a "trust me bro."
So God made the Heavens, and He thoroughly populated them with many creatures tailored to their environments, but to some he gave the power of Humanity. He gave them souls, he gave them minds. These are the Founders. These Founders crafted more, and they did so as a form of worship. A human cannot create clay, but he can create a pot from it. In the same way, star civilizations formed from the hands of these Secondary creators. A fraction of the intelligence, but still geniuses in their own right, these are the forces in the stars. The Draconians come from Orion. The Lyrians come from Lyra and the Pleiades in general. A war was fought, the Draconians ripped apart Lyra, and the Lyrians began searching for Allies. When they found few, they began searching for a closer connection to God. Their bodies had little design for a direct connection, but they recognized that a gene could be designed on a lower level and imported up through the levels of design to allow communication. This they made on our little planet, but Draco sought to make the new creations incapable of contact, incapable of making better genes. They corrupted the new creations, inserted minds of their own design into the spiritual masterpieces of Lyrian design. From this came the human being, Terra Edition. A creature capable of communicating with its Creator, capable of designing other things. In the attempt to crush the souls of Earth, they created the most powerful spiritual warriors in the cosmos. A creature that can commune and worship God, but at a low enough level to fight on all levels.
This is Us. We are these warriors. Some have limitations genetically, temporally, locationally, but we are all created for the worship of God, yet honed to the level of genius that allows for them to Ascend. The truth of freemasonry is that it spreads the genius down through the generations. It is still knowledge. This is the connection most miss. We are the universal accident. The being designed for worship turned into the same caliber of its designers. Again, not its Original Designer. Only the race that made it.
I know. It is a lot. It probably deserves to have been posted on conspiracies, but you have to understand that Q is the small part of something else, and I believe it privy to inform the Cells of the Organ of the Existence of the Body. Where We Go One We Go All is not just a catchy motto. Its not just an idea. It is the truth. When the knowledge is known to all, the knowledge of of all can be spread by one. Where you go, we go. Where I go, you go. And Atlantis was the Draconians. God deluged them away, but left the knowledge with the Celts in Ireland to be redistributed to humanity for such a time as this.
TLDR: Aliens make humans to fight Satan, and Satan makes the humans stronger by mistake.
He said it on TS, and I am confused rn. I can't tell if this is a bait play on the DS, or some kind of hint, or some 5th Gen warfare stuff that I dont see. Help!
So I am an individual who believes some less than mainstream things, even by this communities standard. So I had searched "pleyades" in the semi-functional searchbar that is provided to search communities.win, and found a post about some guy trying to image enhance a watermark on the top left of the Trump Acquittal statement, seen here:
They said that it looked like the Pleyades, which I can kinda see, but not really. Anyway, I found a symbol chart that has all these different symbols on them, but one stuck out. A hexagram meaning "imbibition." If you haven't heard that word, its okay, it means to permeate/ absorb, like a plant with water.
-Q related stuff-
So my brain goes apeshin, and makes a few connections.
Absorption-like the elites with money, and a nod to the dark practices relating to adrenochrome.
Permeate-the wide net of power over almost every government, power, and military.
double meanings?
Also, side note, Subaru's logo is the Pleyades, someone go rabbit hole that please.
(the following occured a few hours after the writing of the above, i swear i hit the save button)
So I just opened a screenshot of the watermark in paint.net, and it appears to in fact be the Pleyades, however not in the normal position, but the opposite of the Subaru formation. So logically i looked up urabus, and after going from a Volkswagon van repair shop to a forum called the North American Subaru Imprezza Owners Club, I found nothing. If you want to lose your mind, go gettem.
It also kinda looks like the pedo symbol of putting the okay sign thing in front of your eye (panda eye reference). Thought I would mention this as well. also may be a claw, you can see for yourself with some image stuff.
tldr: no tldr, read it you lazy fool
I know that we have been looking forward to the end of the cabal and their treachery for years now, but lets be realistic. Most may never fire a single bullet. The Biden administration is a carefully orchestrated movie to slowly wake people up as freedoms get trampled. Here is a thought: A revolution starting with blood ends with blood, but a revolution starting with words ends with peace.
Here are some fun words:
Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19
This is a war with words to cover the bloodshed underneath. This is not our war to fight with fist, firearm, and fearlessness. It is okay to fear. Fear is healthy. Fear alone is bad; courage is fighting through fear. They think they have us cornered; but we aren't trapped in here with them... they are trapped in here with us. We here on GAW can all agree, symbolism is important. In the Chronicles of Narnia(books were better btw), Aslan lets the witch kill him without fighting back. Stephen the Martyr died gazing up into heaven. There are things we cannot comprehend just out of our reach, and we will never reach it if we can't let go of our pride, thinking we alone must fight this war. A man never has stooped lower then when he lifts his head in pride. Refuse but give no answer. Never attack first, only in defense. This is the war of information, not the tacky InfoWars, this is reality. This is the fought for our lives and of our lives. As the cabal collapses, we will undoubtedly see the ending of much pain and suffering. I have done my research. I don't post a lot because I have friends which seem to always have a need. But I have poured weeks into this topic. We will not lose.
We will only win.
First, the bad ends. The past 1000-200 years has been cabal control, ever since the fall of the Roman empire. Some bad stuff happened, and some even worse stuff happened, and then they tried to make the Americas a cabal controlled nation by controlling the narrative into people trusting Columbus as "that one guy who found a new world." America was already discovered. We know that. They have conditioned people on and on since the beginning of the "Holy Roman Empire." America backfired when suddenly some rednecks decided taxes were bad and thus threw a revolution against the most powerful nation in the world, thus creating a nation with arguably worse taxes.
Second, N(G)ESARA will be initiated. Bill Clinton signed it into law with the barrels of Delta Force and Navy Seals breathing down his neck in late 2000. The announcement was supposed to occur at 10:00 am on September 11, 2001, but a piece of shrubbery ordered the demolition of some towers, a suspiciously shaped building, and a few grass blades in Pennsylvania, thus shutting down the Capitol for long enough to prevent the announcement.
Every major event since then has been an attempt to further postpone the announcement. But some day when it is announced, all debts in the U.S. will be nullified, order will be returned, the dollar will be backed from the quadrillions that the Vatican had(we did a little trolling), some space stuff will be introduced, and with that...
Third, full disclosure will occur and with that we will see our place in the universe on full display, and God plan, and the Universes destiny, will return to rightful order. If i explained all that I know will happen, I would be rejected and ignored, and still would not even scratch the surface.
Be still and assured frens... keep the faith...
Some info from a tweet posted by Gematria Club.
Bob Saget hosted AFV (Americas Funniest Home Videos)
a=1,f=6,v=22→1/6/22 Jan 6.
Q posted on 2/9/2018,
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [Next week] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We warned you. You are stupid. Can you sleep? We can help. Q followed 11 minutes later by
[Next week] [Next week] [Next week] Suicide weekend? Q
Count 4 weeks, i.e. a month because its February, landing on March 9.
3/9/2022→3/9/2+0+2+2=6→3/9/6→369→3(D)(Three Dimensions),6(Number of Man),9(Number of God)→Future Proves Past
The odd lack of an H in AFV (Americas Funniest Home Videos?)
Removing/Attacking the Home? Attacking Family? Home→House→Full House. Eliminate Full House re Saget?
Saget didn't die on 1/6, he died on 1/9 (Mirror?). Three days→Mocking the Holy Trinity/Christs Resurrection?
Did some digging on mirror of Saget, i.e. tegas. Tegas(Esperanto(language created by Polish ophthalmologist Zamenhof in 1887)→tegi, tegas in present tense, i.e. actively being done, meaning to cover up protectively.
[DS] protecting themselves?
Sauces and all. I would ask on conspiracies but the overlap is massive and more people will see this. Thanks!
My fellow Awakened Masses, I have noticed an undesirable trend in the focus of what we will do at the end of this. When the storm has come and gone, there will be global chaos. People who now know of the lies will seek vengeance. But what side should we choose? Some would say that war is the only assured way of making a point; after all, a general once said that peace is the term of deception between conflict. But that shouldn't be our way. The pen is never mightier than the sword. But a word can stop a thousand bullets. There will be no more deception. WE, the PEOPLE, will have WON. Violence is not the way of the wise. War is not our way. No man is born to fight. No man is born to lead. No man was born to understand what life is, other than the period between conception and death. We are here to stop war. We aren't here to kill. Some of the greatest men haven't killed anyone.
I have seen posts that suggest that war is what we should have at the end of this.
Good vs. Evil.
No. We are not the issuers of judgement. We have stolen, deceived, thought evil thoughts. We are like them. We may have not done what some have done, but in the words of the greatest man to ever live, "let he who is perfect cast the first stone."
Get your hormone filled head out of the sand. We aren't here to fight. We have more purpose than that. Conflict is but a sleight of hand to deter the good, peaceful men from speaking, or to attract the strong, courageous man to die. FEAR FIGHTING. Fight if you must to protect yourself. Join the military. But remember what you are fighting for. And before you pull a trigger, think about why. Who do you help? Who do you hurt? Why are you there? What is this going to do? We war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world.
Stay strong frens! WWG1WGA & NCSWIC. God bless the United States of America, And her global allies! And may God give wisdom where it is due, and courage likewise to act upon it.