Looking for some undeniable red-pills that are separated from the Q movement that have at least a spark of potential to engage some critical thought in a normie.


That kind of hurt. What do you think? Is he just going to let Biden play for 3 more years?


Hey everyone.

As the title suggests, I have some questions concerning my diet. For context, I am 15 and weigh 150lbs at roughly 5'11. I have been naturally thin my entire life, and always have issues finding pants that fit my waist. As a results, I pledge allegiance to elastic. My situation is definitely not as poor as some of the soyboys at my school, but I would like to get in the gym and gain some.

Unfortunately, I fall into many of the traps that people my age often do. This includes processed food, canned soup, ramen noodles, and sugary sweets. Outside of my diet, I also struggle with sleep, dandruff, probably some vitamin deficiencies, and a few other less notable hygiene issues.

My testosterone is also a concern, However I thankfully still have some balls left. I come from quite a masculine bloodline and my dad is still kicking ass at 64. My levels, if I had to guess, are certainly higher than probably 90% of dudes I know. But with my diet and the aggressive chemicals I use daily (Shampoo, mouthwash, conditioner, deodorants, phthalates, etc.) I am certain I can go much higher.

The base questions I bring are as follows. What should I cut from my diet immediately? What should I add immediately? What supplements, if any should I take? Parasites?

As always, If you have any questions about this post, patterns in my generation, or anything else, ask!


About a week ago, I made a post explaining how I might've had COVID. Since then, I have recovered from my symptoms and currently am back to feeling fantastic. However, my sense of smell is extremely weak. I'm still not diagnosed with COVID, however I think it is nearly definite with the amount of people in my friend group that are currently sick.

So, I am wondering, what can I do to get my smell back and should I get tested?


Woke up today (after a few days of sickness) and everything smells like smoke. On the off chance it's covid, what should I take? Where can I get it? Thanks in advance.



Regarding Pompeo's tweet.


I'm new to this whole Q thing and I was wondering why you are all so sure that we have this in the bag for tomorrow. What kind of stuff leads you to believe this? Just curious. Thanks.