the notes that everyone received at the Bush funeral? I really want to know what was written to all those people!
Is God forcing Jews to return to Israel?
Starting March 1, 2024, you have to have a Pro Account in order to post media on Gab. You can still post text, but no pics or memes.
organize with a large group of people and shop unmasked en masse. Are they going to kick out 50ish people all at the same time?
Why people can't see the truth.....this is true physically and spiritually
The real reason for The House Oversight Committee
Here’s How Doctors Treat Their Own Colds and Flus
An explanation of NFTs
We told them that we are doing to them what they did to Twitter. We support free speech. It is obvious that they don't. Felt so good!!
Govt. study finds flu shots not effective in elderly, after all.
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