Here are some of my questions, off the bat:

-When did the "plan to save the world" officially begin?

-Are there any blatant obvious breadcrumbs we are overlooking?

-What is the most important thing an anon can be doing at this point of the operation?

-Does the Q operation have any relations to the "High Level Insider" posts of 2016?

-Will GME play an instrumental role in the upcoming financial revolution?

-Is the rise in alternative medicine such as CDS, HCQ, quercetin, Ivermectin, part of a medical revolution? Or are more efficient cures going to become readily available to the masses as time progresses.

-Does the black budget hidden technology deal with gravity?

Some random questions I came up with on the spot. We should definitely see what questions are the most popular here so we have a better chance of having it asked during the Q&A.


Even this late into the game, we still seem to fall for the obvious optics.

Congress being held up and Trump endorsing McCarthy and we have users here claiming things like "at this rate, Trump will lose his entire base." "It's time to move on from Trump. He's not some infallible leader." "We don't need Trump to make decisions! We decide."

Yea that's true but how do some of you still not get this is a scripted movie and fall for it to the point you have an emotional reaction? And in the same breath, mock and laugh others who you believe are "brainwashed."

This is a movie. We already won. We have the privilege and honor of seeing behind the scenes and get to analyze and be a great deal many steps ahead of the standard normie, a blessing granted by your belief and faith in the plan.

We know the game. We know how it ends.



I know people are weary, tired, frustrated, or as some like to call it, "filled with righteous rage." But I believe there are many facets to the plan to save the world and every one is going to play a role.

You are weary, tired, frustrated, and filled with righteous rage because you are a facet of the plan. As human beings, we are naturally drawn to the truth. A gut feeling. That's what brought you here. That's what ultimately started you on this journey. A gut feeling. A gut feeling that Q was telling the truth. A gut feeling that there is something really wrong with this system. A gut feeling that God did not desert you in your time of need.

What is your role? It's to see through the veil and endure and swallow all the bullshit. Why? Because you're able to and a lot of other people are not yet. Why do you have to endure? Because in that endurance will come wisdom, discipline, stoicism in face of peril and doom. And you will be a rock on which your family and friends stand upon when the waves start crashing from the storm.

That's why you are being asked to endure all this while everyone else goes about living their regular routine lives. That's why on top of all the other responsibilities in your life, you were burdened with more. Because you were able to.

Because the others were not. I hope you understand this. This was never going to be an easy journey.

There is no "I'm done with this." You've seen too much. You know too much. And you know what's coming. Your friends and family need you, even if it doesn't appear that way right now.

Hell, not even family and friends, people everywhere is going to need you.

You were born to be a leader. Endure. Persevere. Fight. Win. Love. WWG1WGA

lmfao I kind of got into what I was writing and didn't even address what I started this post for.

The Precipice

Some of you guys believe we're already in it. Some of you believe it's yet to come. Some of you believe it's behind us and justice is on its way.

I believe it's yet to come. $9/gallon gas. $8/gallon milk.

Complete economic collapse (fortunately, I believe the white hats solution to this black hat financial terrorism is to arm as many people with shorted commodities, assets, and stocks which will blow up and give enough capital to retail for us to help family and friends in need)

Famine, plague, insects. Oh shit, are we going through the Moses arc?

They want us to eat insects. They are sending plagues on us. They are trying to create a famine. They are creating droughts. And they are trying to their your children away with vaccines. Blackouts, internet outages. It's already been happening in the rest of the world. Only time until it hits home.

Maybe the storm is when Moses parted the sea and closed up on Pharaoh and his army. Maybe there will be a moment similar to that.

I believe this is what the Q team has been preparing us for. It's like we were in training mode but we didn't even know what we are training for. But when the battle comes, just like a god damn movie, all the stuff we learned during our training becomes relevant and essential to the fight.

Kind of like the movie Moneyball.

I do believe that point in time is coming. And that point in time will come when things become so farcical and ridiculous that our solutions, thoughts, comments, opinions, become considered completely sane or inspirational.

We were just the guys who went online to see the leaks for the movie and have to sit through it since we know the ending.

We all know how this ends.



I periodically drop this reminder when I see a cropping of the term pop in casual discussions.

Just like the CIA plants words such as "conspiracy theorists" to program and close off thinking, the same applies for the term "elites."

You think they don't want you to be subtlety reminded that they THINK they are better than you in every single way? What kind of reality does this create if you were to subscribe to that belief? It creates a narrative that you are the underdog fighting to take down the evil emperor who is vastly stronger, richer, and smarter than you. You are literally believing or succumbing to the fact that you BELIEVE they are better than you.

They are not better than you. In fact, We the People are vastly stronger, richer, and smarter than they are.

Words have power. Words are memes.

Don't use terminology that does not align with your beliefs. It only further gives power to those who should not wield it.



When Moses was about to be born, Pharoah, who practiced occult magick, ordered all the first born male Israelite babies to be killed. Pharoah knew leaders were about to be born. Not only Moses, Aaron and others who helped the revolution against Pharoah’s rule. It wasn’t a one man job.

When Jesus was about to born, King Herod, who practiced occult magick, ordered all male babies to be killed in the region.

Our modern generations have had higher rates of abortions than any other point in history.

Who do you think satan was trying to stop from being born this time? Triggered enough to make the chances of you having an injury free solid birth were slim to none.

It was you. The white blood cells. Here to help cleanse the body of viruses. And I don’t mean you, a Q follower, specifically. I mean everyone alive today. Even the liberals teetering on the fence and questioning their beliefs. We all landed on different places on this path but it all ends the same way. WWG1WGA.

We either all get out of this together, or no one does. Satan has deployed every single fucking thing imaginable to dumb down our generations in particular. To destroy and pervert every good sense we ever had. Because we are the most dangerous generation to his regime on earth. There is no need for oppression, brainwashing, and enslavement at this level if the threat wasn’t equally or greater to satan.

We’re over the target. We’re flying over hell with storks dropping babies on their asses. If you haven’t found a good woman yet, find out and fuck her good and make lots of babies. God’s going to create a nation out of each one of them. And you get to teach them how. The plan to save the world doesn’t end with bad guys in jail.

It ends when we commit the proper time and resources to raising beautiful children that are going to take this planet to the next frontier.



There seems to be many contradicting ideologies in this site regarding the DWAC stock and that being the case, shilling and sliding and manipulation is going to be a piece of cake for hedge funds and other groups with nefarious purposes.

As a disclaimer, none of this is financial advice, do your own research, and WWG1WGA. You are free to make whatever decision you want.

One of the most jarring contradictions I see is people claiming to selling high and buying back in at a lower price. And it appears a good majority here agrees with this sentiment and probably doing it themselves. I have been with the GME saga from the start and I can tell you that this strategy benefits no one but yourself (in a very short term sense) and the hedge funds who are shorting the stock.

The outstanding shares of this company is only a 1/3 of what Gamestop is. With the volume we are seeing with this stock, we should have secured the outstanding shares by now. But instead, the vast majority are seeing this as a day trading opportunity and moving on once the excitement dies down. Yes we can blame the hedge funds all we want for using dark pools to hide buy orders, and short selling to drive down the price, but a good deal of this can be blamed on retail investors as well.

There is a reason why GME apes' mantra is BUY AND HODL. No where does it mention any selling and buying back into the stock to raise your share amount. Hedge funds are currently shorting the shit out of DWAC. You selling your shares are giving them the ability to repeat this process and cycle over and over again.

Hold your damn shares. Get some diamond hands. Allow them to continue shorting and creating synthetics to put themselves into a hole.

We need to be more coherent with our message around here.

Do you want to support this company and see it rise to new heights? Or do you want to make a quick buck and call it a day? If you believe this is more than just a pump and dump, that you are actually investing in something that can change our country for the better, that this is something you know the world needs, then you know what to do. BUY AND HODL. Very simple message. Instead of selling when the price is high and buying more when it drops, hold and buy more when the price drops. In that way, we are effectively locking up the float and restricting the hedge fund's ability to further manipulate the stock.

But of course it's not just as simple as that. Buying and holding is not a foolproof way to prevent manipulation. But it does allow the hedge funds to further dig themselves into a hole and allows the short interest to grow. Stock brokers can lend out your shares and contrary to this ongoing belief in this site that setting high sell limits will restrict them from doing so, is false. They can lend out your shares regardless of the status of your shares, as long as it is in your account, have no doubt, they are lending them out.

The only way to prevent them from lending out your shares is through registering the stock through DWAC (Deposit/Withdrawal At Custodian) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dwac.asp Computershare is not the transfer agent for DWAC so you will not be able to register your shares with them.

DRS is the electronic version for Deposit/Withdraw At Custodian. https://continentalstock.com is the Transfer Agent for DWAC.

Last note I wanted to end on that expounds on a point mentioned prior.

This is not just an investment opportunity. This is for your children. This is for your family. The censorship, the manipulation of information, the corrupt media that is costing lives in this country can be brought to an end.

Take care everyone and I am excited for the future and what it will bring.





I think we underestimate the power of words on a subconscious level.

Every time you use the word “elites” to describe these pedo scumbags, you are anchoring in your mind subconsciously that they are superior to you, that they have more power than you, that they are the ones who rule this world. That you are weak and they are strong. That they hold the cards and you are just a helpless bystander observing what they do.

We have the power. The people have the power. When we come together in unity, nothing can stop us. They are in no way shape or form greater than us. They are human beings that have inherited a system of control that they can barely maintain or sustain. And it is starting to show more and more.

It is not a coincidence that the word “elites” was implanted into the collective consciousness. Just like flat earth ears were implanted amongst our communities to discredit “conspiracy theories.”

Language is symbolic and our minds attach meaning to these letters and sounds.

Every time we refer to these criminals as “elites,” we are further establishing in our mind that they are entities beyond justice or accountability.

They answer to us, the people. And justice is coming.

They are not “elite” in any sense of the word. Soon, they will not even be able to walk the streets.

I have been seeing this word more and more often lately, as more normies become initialized into the movement of awakening. I will repeat, they are not “elites.” They no longer have power over us. We are taking it all back. It was never theirs to begin with.



Power outages,

record freezing storms,

earthquakes in Japan,

governments falling apart worldwide,

Myanmar military take over,

Trump wins impeachment case,

facial recognition technology accelerating and already implemented in China,

children committing suicide from lockdowns,

mass arrests of human traffickers weekly,

banks panicking,

unemployment rising,

dollar collapsing,

silver shortages,

crackdown on Trump supporters,

fake news collapsing,

Tesla cars exploding in China,

protests erupting worldwide,

UFO disclosures,

Biden physically deteriorating before our eyes,

vaccine passports coming,

sex dolls replacing lovers,

people losing the ability to connect with one another,

corporations and companies are merging to get ready the final push of control,

gun ban legislations being written,

election fraud case coming to SCOTUS,

Gavin Newsom recall,

Andrew Cuomo impeachment and thrown under the bus,

Jussie Smolett indicted,

Dogecoin shilled by Elon,

Pelosi announces 9/11 style commission to investigate capital riots,

Hedge funds colluding with trading platforms,

Pro sports viewership down in record numbers,

ISIS returning,

DNA of millions being sold,

Billions mindlessly watching TV and playing games to keep themselves distracted,

every level of government corrupt and filled with trannies,

Satan trying to appear strong when he is weak,

And we the people, waking up in masses.

The show wasn’t meant for everyone.

This is only the start.

It doesn’t get easier. It wasn’t supposed to be easy. It wasn’t going to be easy.

Strap yourself in for the long haul.

You are the last bastion of truth. Without you, the world falls. Without you, all is lost.

Without you, the plan fails.

Dramatic? Unfortunately not. It really is up to the truth sayers, the truth followers.

Not the angry, not the spiteful, not the vengeful, not the violent, but the ones who chose love and patience.

You were chosen for a reason.

We were meant to survive. We were meant to win. We were meant to persevere.

You were not given more than you can handle.

You were the one who can handle the truth so it was given to you.

The precipice is on its way.



What’s in store for today:

-Cocaine Mitch wants to vote for acquittal


-Senate votes to bring in witnesses to extend the trial


-In case you missed yesterday’s bombshell


Grab your coffee and strap in.

Please use this thread for all your opinions and discussion regarding the impeachment sham.

RSBN Live Stream: https://youtu.be/o1uJN3gJW8M

Live Updates: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/02/13/live-updates-trump-impeachment-trial-day-five/


This isn't about you believe it or not.

It's about all of us.

"If we allow the mods to take one word away from us, it will snowball into full censorship and manipulation!"

We're already discussing Q on this site, one of the most controversial topics in the world as of now, and you're worried about a word being taken away?

You're worried about being led astray by curation and manipulation from the mods?

Who are you concerned about when you complain and point fingers and scream, "CENSORSHIP!"

You don't care about other people. You care about your perception that your rights are being infringed upon.

And guess what? It's your right to go and scream any racist slur as loud as you can on top of a roof. It's also our right to remove content that detracts from the overall mission.

What the fuck is the mission?

It's to disseminate Q related information and red pill potential normies.

If these goals do not align with you, then leave. 8kun is still up. 4chan is still up. Your fellow brethren will embrace you with open arms and a pic of a BBC.

I know some of you claim you don't use the n-word in a racist context, some of you use it as a form of rebellion to societal pressures to conform. Some of you are straight up racist. Some of you want other people to be comfortable using and seeing the word.

Guess what? Your average normie that's curious about what GAW is discussing gets their confirmation bias and solidifies their resolve to avoid the Q movement because they believe we are racist, just as the MSM claims. They seen it with their own eyes now, regardless of the context racial slurs are used.

What the fuck are we doing if we turn these people away? Just creating a small little haven for you to say whatever you want?

There are platforms for that. Go use them. We're here to get updated and make connections. We are here to help people understand. Don't create barriers for them.

You are no greater or lesser than normies. This plan wasn't for Q followers. This plan wasn't for Trump supporters. It was for everyone.



If you can’t step back and see the big picture and going to be hung up on dates, you are just demoralizing yourselves. What sort of plan is going to list out all the exact dates? Does that even sound logical to you? Get with the program. Do the research. There’s so many things happening right now and you put all your eggs in one basket.

How many times does this need to happen for you to get it? Jumping off the bandwagon only to return when relevant news comes to your attention.

Break the pattern. Learn the game. Study the comms. There is so many things that is diverting your attention from reality.


As I am starting to witness the events unfold in Myanmar, with protestors gathering in huge numbers, I feel like the big picture is starting to come together for what’s in store for the USA. What we know so far:

-Pentagon is not cooperating with the fake Biden administration

-US Military is tweeting Q phrases

-“Qanon” is being lambasted all over the MSM, people associated with Q are being hunted

-FBI agents and National Guards are dying (covert shadow war ongoing)

-US military will occupy DC until mid-March

-Trump has won 14 of his election fraud lawsuits so far

-Evidence of election fraud is gaining more weight

-Censorship has now spread to alternative news sources such as OANN

-Trump is not going to testify during the impeachment case

-Q followers make up 17% of the US population (as per NYT, number might possible be higher. The 17% figure surpasses the threshold required to initiate the Hundredth Monkey effect. I believe the Hundredth Monkey effect is being artificially suppressed through brainwashing techniques. But, pretty much every American in the USA is aware of “Qanon.”)

I do not believe events in the USA will follow that of Myanmar. It is way too risky. I do not believe there are any set dates. Events only transpire in correlation with the widening of the Overton window. In other words, the people decide how fast or slow things happen.

As Joe M said, this is about everyone, not just Trump supporters. Since that is the case, and the entire population is aware of the “plan,” chances of widespread riots and uprising has been sufficiently reduced. What is the golden number the Q team is looking for to avoid any uprising at all? Maybe 25% Q followers possibly, which is a number that is rapidly approaching.

Once we hit the golden number, most Americans will remain complacent as major events take place.

I do not believe the major events will be arrests, but events created by the people such as the GME short squeeze event.

I believe suspicion and negative feelings towards Biden’s fake administration will be amplified to the point people will want him to step down at which point, Congress will use the 25th amendment to remove Biden citing his mental failings. This timing of Biden’s removal will further redpill the masses.

Removing Biden will effectively void all his executive actions and bring in Kamala Harris.

While this is ongoing, Trump will continue to win his lawsuits and evidence of election fraud will be gradually accepted within the US population.

Kamala Harris will be even worse than Biden. While Biden occasionally makes actions to appease the masses such as discussing forgiveness of student loans, Kamala will shut everything down and initiate policies that will enrage the left even further. She will also state that she had nothing to do with the allegations of election fraud that is gaining credibility in the entire nation.

Sidney Powell will win the Dominion lawsuit, and not by settlement. As she stated, she is going to “pound sand.” Mike Lindell will win his lawsuit against Dominion. Dominion will shut down their operations, a huge redpill for the masses. On the global front, the Chinese digital yuan will be implemented into the global economic system in conjunction with Swift financial message systems. This will create huge negative changes in the economy as other countries join and create their own digital currencies. There will be another huge rush for gold and silver. But the prices will be artificially suppressed through paper contracts and JP Morgan. At this point, Trump is in perfect scenario to stage a comeback that will be welcomed by the vast majority of American citizens.

Any amount of details and information can now be released to the populace with little resistance.

As Kamala Harris is falling apart, the US military, now with the backing of the majority of the USA, can take action. It will not be a surprise detainment like Myanmar, but an actual push by the people for them to do something. The people will believe that it is by their will that these actions take place.

Riots and protests will be organized but in very weak numbers and resolve. It will be quickly stopped with very little collateral damage.

Trump will once again be POTUS and to address the economic chaos, will dissolve the Federal Reserve, eliminating taxes in the process. He will force JP Morgan to sell their silver bullion, which they have graciously stockpiled for us over the decades, and use silver and gold to temporarily peg the US dollar to an actual store of wealth to get off of fiat currency.

In order to compete against the Swift financial messaging system that has teamed up with China, Trump will utilize XRP as the financial messaging system of the USA. Many countries will witness the efficiency and fluidity of our system as the USA GDP jumps 25% overnight. Huge protests will take place worldwide in countries that teamed up with the IMF and Chinese digital yuan.

And the rest, will be an open road. The power is back in the hands of the people. We will decide where this country goes from here on out, and with all the lessons and newfound knowledge, we will make the right decisions collectively moving forward.

My two cents.



We all have tomatoes stocked for the inevitable frog march. Who do you want to see walk down the green carpet before they can “never walk in the streets again?”

We all have tomatoes stocked for the inevitable frog march. Who do you want to see walk down the green carpet before they can “never walk in the streets again?”



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