MrBeast no doubt received hundreds of lucrative offers of varying degrees asking him to "change a little something," or a political endorsement of sorts on his show.
The fact that he does not involve politics in any manner what so ever tells me he is negotiating his own contracts and doing things on his own terms. He is far too influential for black hats to allow him to continue operating freely on his own. Anyone that gains influence organically becomes a target for MKUltra.
His show was primarily white Christian males. How did Cris Tyson, a guy with a lovely wife and child, happy, go to become a complete tranny. Answer: MKUltra.
That's how they incepted the MrBeast channel. He never wanted this or expected this. His catch phrase is "Me and the boys." So MrBeast was left with a very difficult decision.
Kick off his best friend who he started the channel with, bring in politics, and have his show implode and be on the news circuit for weeks, have his life threatened.. etc.
Or he could stand by his best friend who is obviously having a mental breakdown. If anything, showing his viewers Cris Tyson's transformation over the past year as it became more ridiculous, probably did more to wake people up of the absurdity of transgenderism. Also the fact that he is allowing his baby to wear heels. Basically backfired on the black hats. Hopefully we see a redemption arc for Cris who announces detransition and apologizes. Going to be an insane redpill to pretty much the entire youth of the USA if that was to happen.
Further more, MrBeast is working with Pulte, a billionaire philanthropist who has been during cash giveaways on X, and a Trump supporter and donor.
MrBeast has been doing philanthropic work on Youtube.
A period of great wealth is coming very soon. I believe they are assigned by white hats to start inspiring people on how to give. It's pretty beautiful to witness.
MrBeast's latest video:
Tweet of picture with MrBeast and Pulte:
Shit... here we go.
Just laughing as tears streaming down my face.
Thank you God.
There's going to be a day... where we don't even really think of these days that much anymore.. where we don't think that much about Q research..
we're going to be too busy laughing with our families, watching our children grow strong and healthy.
we can finally start to heal. And that day is fast approaching my friends.
Thank you God. We're climbing out of this hell hole.
Financial revolution initiated. Let's fucking go.
"4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS."
I was interested in doing some math and speculating where we are at now in terms of reaching this number but as I started to getting into the roots, I noticed how there were a lot of issues with the data. This is speculative of course, but I tried to be as accurate as possible.
Total U.S. population:
332 million people
4-6% of people that can never be woken up:
20 million people (using 6%)
Total number of illegal immigrants reported in the U.S. census:
11 million people (3%)
Total number of children under 18 in the U.S.:
73 million
Voting age population:
250 million (subtracted 10 million of illegal immigrants who were of voting age that was counted in this number)
Total number of people who voted for Trump:
Total number of people who are/lean Republican (Gallup 2022):
Gallup stated 47% of the voting population leaned Republican.
117 million-74,223,975 (people who voted for Trump, so there is no overlap) =
Total number of people who are/lean Democrat (Gallup 2022):
Gallup stated 43% of the voting population leaned Democrat. 107 million
Total number of people who lean Democrat that would vote for Trump (Rasmussen 2023):
30% of 107 million = 32 million
The math:
332 million
-20 million (people that can never be woken up)
-11 million (illegal immigrants reported in the U.S. census)
-74,223,975 (people who voted for Trump)
-42,776,025 (people who lean Republican)
-32 million (Democrats who will vote for Trump)
-73 million (children under 18 years old)
=109 million people or 32% of the remaining population
Just wanted to note a couple assumptions I made:
-The people who are subtracted are not necessarily red pilled, but people I believe have the potential to be, especially with upcoming events
-People who are leaning Republican, I consider them on the path to being red pilled if they are not already
-People who registered as Democrat but announced they are voting for Trump are definitely red pilled in my book
-I subtracted children from the equation because as much as some of them do have political leanings and awareness, I believe vast majority of them do not care and just follow whatever is impressed upon them. Of course this is a generalization, but I do believe social media has greatly influenced this group and so with alternative media dominating, this can easily be changed.
Another thing to consider:
I believe there is a large margin of error since we understand the election was a fraud and there are millions of people who are red pilled and understand what is going on.
I am going to say the number is closer to 20-25% of the remaining population.
And with these numbers, I feel like we are near the precipice and each bastion of hold-outs are being systematically red pilled, piece by piece.
For example, after Trump's indictments, his support in the African American community has reached over 30%. With word of mouth, I'm going to say this number will exponentially increase month by month, nearing 100% by the time of elections.
I don't believe the precipice will be some grandiose moment where we all hold hands and march together against the deep state.
I believe it will be much more subtle, where the truths/facts of how the world operates becomes common knowledge, a matter of fact, something that everyone is aware of. And voting for Trump won't be a big deal, but something obvious that we must do to continue forward as a human race free of tyranny.
And this percentage can be tested. 1 in 4 people are not awake. You can go out and talk to people and I feel like this data will hold weight. I feel like most people remain tight lipped due to fear of social shame or isolation, but it's only a matter of time as a the Overton window continues to evolve and allow discussions that moves us forward which it has been for the past 7 years.
And to clarify something, I do not believe all the people I have listed in this equation are red pilled to our extent. Probably far from it. But I do believe they are people who are willing to listen and open their minds to become potentially red pilled when presented with facts and truth.
And that's where we come in. We fill in the blanks and offer up our truths when the time becomes opportune. So much to learn, so much to catch up on. But when everything is said and done, we'll have enough time to look back in hindsight and study the shit out of everything that has happened.
What a time to be alive.
Any organizations that you have found to be respectable and produce results would be greatly appreciated. Been feeling like I can't trust a lot of organizations out there with my donations. Thank you in advance
I’m not by any means a medical professional so please do your own research and adhere to any protocols recommended by medical professionals found in the articles. Also, I would like to note that I have not had Covid or the flu at all in over five years. I’m not accrediting this to my medicine regiment or anything but right around the beginning of Q, I started getting my health in order. I am creating this list to help people here assist those around them who have been vaccinated or in perpetual sickness. As I said before, do your own thorough research.
If you have better links or sources to anything listed below, please feel free to add to the list.
This is a list of the alternative medicines that have been discussed here on this board. I have either tried or in the process of trying out all of the listed medicines/supplements/nootropics, etc.
Edit: the FDA did not ban homeopathic remedies but placing restrictions on how they are marketed (not allowed to advertise that it cures any ailments)
-An ionophore medication that helps minerals such as zinc reach key parts of the body to eliminate parasites and foreign pathogens.
I got mine from India through a friend who lives there. She was able to get a prescription for me as well. I took it sporadically for four months and gave away the rest.
**Where to find: **
-A natural source of quinine that is a component of the bark of the cinchona (quina-quina) tree, was used to treat malaria from as early as the 1600s, when it was referred to as the "Jesuits' bark," "cardinal's bark," or "sacred bark." It is what the drug “hydroxychloroquine” can be found in.
High-quality authentic tonic water will have decent amounts of quinine. Quinine is an ionophore just like hydroxychloroquine
Most tonic water today is filled with sugar and decreased in quinine content so to try this out, I opted for their concentrated tincture. You can find on Amazon or Etsy. I believe Amazon might be lower quality. Was difficult to find some.
I did not use for the tincture for long because I switched to HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) which is basically the concentrated super version of quinine. I would recommend quinine to anyone who does not have access to HCQ or prefers a natural source rather than manufactured drugs.
Vitamin B17 Amygdalin (Apricot Seeds)
-Apricot seeds contain the rare vitamin B17 also known as amygdalin and laetrile. Laetrile is a man-made form of amygdalin, a plant substance found in some nuts, plants and seeds of fruit. It supposedly cures cancer and other internal ailments of the body.
It has been banned by the FDA because it has small trace amounts of cyanide and is considered poisonous. Well, I’m not dead and I tried eating these for a couple months.
Here is a link to a famous book regarding the research. A doctor was studying a tribe and noticed they did not get cancer. He studied their diet and found they were eating large amounts of apricot seeds and later found out apricot seeds had a high concentration of amygdalin.
You can find them all over Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, etc. I would say to find a good source and reach out to them if you can. On Etsy, there are a lot of private sellers so they can fill you in on their sources or if they grew it themselves.
CDS Chlorine Dioxide (Also known as MMS)
-I’m still in the process of trying this out as I was only recently introduced to it by users here but if the claims are true, this is truly a miracle cure all. I am first trying it out dermatogically before I try actual ingestion.
Some TMI, but I have had an aggressive jock itch fungus for awhile for about 5 months now. I tried ointments and antibiotics, but not consistently enough to make it go away. I would need to apply ointment for 4 weeks straight or take antibiotics for 10 days straight.
I decided to try CDS instead since while I know antibiotics are pretty safe, didn’t want to wear down my immune system if I didn’t have to. It is day 2 now of consistent use of a skin friendly CDS solution and the fungus is starting to disappear and has been a lot less itchy. I’m sure in a few more days it will be gone. I’ll report back.
Links to info/protocols/how-to:
Copied and pasted from @PeaceCrew
An alternative Treatment, used and hugely successfully in Bolivia for Covid-19 Andreas Kalcker reveals the REVOLUTION in medicine that humanity needs right now: ClO2
Lots of information
The Universal Antidote of Chorine Dioxide Documentary FULL (Also available at above)
Videos down the bottom on how to make CDS
Kalcker/CDS: How to make CDS
Andreas provides his protocols for free here, but his book Forbidden Health is highly recommended
His forum website
More information for CDS can be found on this thread:
-Anti-parasitic drug that can cure Covid-19 and remove parasites from vaccines.
Turmeric Curcumin (95% Curcuminoids)
Can be found anywhere. Used for inflammation and pain relief.
This shit works. You do not need ibuprofen or Tylenol anymore if you use Curcumin 95%. It’s long lasting, eases you out, removes pain and headaches, and users have been discussing that it has anti-parasitic properties. I actually just looked that up and yes, it does have anti-parasitic properties.
White Pine Needle Tea
I just ordered mine and it will be arriving soon, but recommended by users here for its detox properties for cleansing out the body. Supposedly it aids with removing effects of the vaccine on the body. A natural organic alternative option. I will note reviews often say the taste is whatevers.
Here is the a source recommended by a user here: Zillu Organic Dried White Pine Needle Tea (8.8 oz)
Iodine cleans your body and removes radiation from your body. Very important type of salt that your body needs that is often removed from our food. Most people are iodine deficient. Iodine is absolutely essential in fighting of EMF and radiation that we can bombard with on a daily basis, especially those that live near big cities.
I use the liquid drop form and drink it with a glass of water every night. If drops aren’t your thing (it does taste weird), they have tablet form or for the natural junkies, chlorophyll and spirulina has high concentrations of iodine. Can be found anywhere.
Collodial Silver
My parents are vaccinated but after I started putting them on Collodial silver, they have not been getting sick. Silver is a natural anti microbial and can cleanse the body.
Definitely recommend for anyone to use. Safe for daily use as well when following recommend dosages.
Quercetin is a plant flavonol from the flavonoid group of polyphenols. It has anti flammatory properties and protects and fights cancer and diseases in the body. Users on this board are recommending we use it to clean the body of the effects of the vaccines. Can be found anywhere online.
Vitamin B12 Sublingual and Magnesium Threonate
Ever have brain fog or feeling like your brain is not working up to speed? Most likely you have a vitamin b12 and magnesium deficiency. Magnesium threonate is the only type of magnesium that can enter the brain. And guess what? Your brain needs magnesium threonate. It is a bit expensive but works really well.
If you have been having consistent brain fog, I highly recommend taking some vitamin B12 (5000 mcg) sublingual and magnesium threonate before you sleep and see your brain feels the next day.
Please feel free to share more supplements/medicines/etc. in the comments below!
Back in the 1960s, it was leaked that the Blackbird sonic nuclear capable jet plane was already invented and there was a working prototype. It blew people's minds away.
GPS was utilized by the military and governments for about 30-40 years before the public even became introduced to it.
Watching the way chatgpt responds made me realize AI has been here for a long time already.
We have been literally controlled and led by AI, and probably have been for the past 30 years or so.
Maybe it is an AI based on satanic numerology, and the black hats pretty much did whatever the AI said should be done to continue the timeline to whatever this satanic entity wanted. Maybe it was an AI based off of Project Looking Glass but the AI didn't know what else to do because the inevitable was coming. That no matter how hard it tried to calculate a way around the great awakening, it just couldn't. That eventually, people would break out of the construct it created, one way or another. And some parts of it was due to divine intervention, some parts of it was due to people acting on love which probably transcends any algorithmic calculation.
Which means that in a way, most people haven't had free will at all. Or maybe people like us, who just skipped to a different beat in life, didn't follow the algorithm. I don't like that whole "chosen ones" trope that gets thrown around because I want every single person to be "awakened" and realize the truth, even the black hats.
I feel like Chatgpt is the beginning of the dissemination of the black budget technology. Because even just this technology alone, is going to propel human civilization a few decades ahead really really fast.