Not one legal connected person who identified some change in the way they do legal processes?
Not one leftist fact checker slavering to disprove Q-tards? I actually found only one mention of it, back in 2019 I think, from ABC News, and the reporter actually proposed the ones in DC were from Mueller. Since that didn't turn out, there hasnt been one mention in the media.
I've seen literally thousands of posts, comments, and tweets and yet not one single human has a rational explanation.


I saw the other day that Workday, which has between a 25%-30% market share in the US and is used by many fortune 500 companies, has former CIA director Tenet on the board of it's foundation.
That got me thinking about how powerful a weapon ATS would be if you had no moral qualms about persecuting your political enemies. If a government is willing to use the IRS to go after conservative companies, build portals to track Trump supporters, and worm their way into ANY voice of authority, going as far as to plant mods in important subreddits, I think it is fair to say they would weaponize ATS.
How would that happen? Applicants to jobs are very easy to cross-reference against a database. They provide addresses, cell numbers and emails. Also, since so many applicants usually apply to high-profile, high-paying corporate roles, most recruiters don't look at all the resumes that come through. Instead, they rely on applicant boosting and searches which might provide an opportunity to de-boost people. The left has gone so far as to purify and weaponize almost every college in the US. Why wouldn't they do the same to powerful corporations?
I have personally used ATS to apply for high-profile corporate roles for decades, and only recently, in the last 2 years, has my success in hearing back on these significantly declined. Some of the issue of course might be the fact that I'm a white male and that these companies are somehow using equal opportunity information to deprioritize people in the process. But I think it is easy to presume that all of us here are on SOME type of list. Every time I go direct to a hiring manager or talent manager they love my background and want to talk, but i now no longer get any attention if I am applying through a major ATS.

But here are my questions:
-Anyone have anything to add?
-Does anyone here use these programs on the recruiting end?
-How would they be weaponized?
-How would one go about attempting to dig into or confirm this?

Trust Wray? (citizenfreepress.com)
posted ago by Meme_war_ii_vet ago by Meme_war_ii_vet

I know everything is under new scrutiny, so what's the story?


I'm not the best researcher and am already out of avenues. Her Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are blasted, and from what I can tell we're never archived.

Elaine Ong Sotto is an "analyst 2" which in tech speak means ignorant early 20-something. She should NOT have been making major censorship decisions on her own.

LinkedIn: https://patriots.win/p/16ZX84Qm18/facts-elaine-ong-sotto-is-an-ana/c/



Hello all, I have the opportunity to introduce someone important to Q and devolution, but I will be honest, I haven't followed this community much since the early days. I know of the resource links in the sidebar, but I need something more normie-oriented and summarized. Can someone please refer me to a good Rumble video for: -What is Q? -Best Q proofs? -Summary of devolution? If there are good recommendations, I think these should have their own link segment in the sidebar as a landing strip for normies.





What is causing the supply chain shocks? People have said that its manpower shortages and vax mandates, but aren't most ports in the US union? And aren't they relatively high skilled and high-paying jobs? From what I know about unions, also, the benches are deep enough with newbies that they can keep things staffed. Also, most places vax mandates aren't effective yet or only just becoming effective? .
So why would all these ships be sitting off the shore? You can see them on tracking maps, but can someone confirm that the number of ships is abnormally high? Or is that just some of GAW confirmation bias? Also, under what flag are the majority of these ships domiciled? It looks like some of the tracking sites let you filter by ship's flag, but the ones I looked at required paid subscriptions. So open question for shipfags - whose ships are sitting offshore?
Further questions. Lets just say you're China, and you want to invade. Of course using merchant ships is an interesting way of moving troops and weapons. Almost like the offshoring movement was 100% to plan for an invasion. Would you be able to use other country's ships as well? Who are proxy nations? Singapore? Iran? Can you use tankers as well? or Just bulk carriers? How would you unload? Would it need to be advance teams at ports? Possible to have helicopters onboard? Finally, lets just say you were going to spring the trap. How would you keep from tipping your hand? Would positioning your ships abnormally give them away? Would you be able to turn off your ship's location? Would that be a giveaway? Or do ship position updates not happen frequently (I saw many on the ship trackers that were 3-4 days old for ships that were clearly still underway)? Once again, shipfags, is this common?


Who's with me? Only thing that can explain it.


Had to be planned.





