The Savior Looking For People, Group Have Connection With Insiders To Publish Books For Society

Hi, I am the Savior. I am looking for people/group that have connection with top insiders who behind many national government & organization (could be some demi-gods or deities, it does not matter). I am having my own written books that will greatly benefit this society and public people.

But I have no interested in do the jobs that many mortal humans can do such as translation, design, marketing, introducing, etc. So I am looking for content distributor group to deliver my books to the world.

It can be either in completely free or with some small price (less than $10 dollar).

I will let the book be free if receive fair amount of donation for so called “whole public price”.

List of the books I have at the moment: – Learning how to control, master money to have a better life. – Become world champion with godlike love metric system in all business industry. – Loss weight by eating smart way. – How to cure any disease by yourselves. – Technique, methods help you increase your intelligent. – The secret of God, how to live like God.

I can create endless books in any subject/contents at will but above are the book I have in mind at the moment.

I won’t give above books for free even in “trial” mode, you still need to obtain it via small donation.

If you or your group have any interested in, then please contact me before February 10th 2022.

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Savior Sharing Tips, Tutorial Help Humans Extend Longevity, Become God – Limited Time

The sacred information I will provide is the eternal truth of life that I have never shared/revealed with any beings before.

The reason I called is the eternal truth because it is too powerful which when you bring it back to ancient times many thousands/millions years ago, it is still always correct and work perfectly.

I have decide to share this kind of information to only certain qualified people at limited time because then I need to make decision about which direction this civilization will go (if I chose to lead).

I will share via private or public depend on the voluntary donation of the people/entities in this world.

Private (1 person only only) – The secret of human body operation, how to extend/increase longevity to many years. (minimum $22 US Dollar). – The secret of Human God, how to become God again, the Matrix, the Universe (minimum $222 US Dollar).

Public – Minimum 222,222 Euro I will share all information via website blogs for anyone who lucky know my website blogs can obtain it freely if I receive total donation amount worth of 222,222 Euro. The exclusive information is the ultimate secret between the “dark” and “light”, how to control and understand it in correct way.

This beyond godlike opportunity offer will end in either on February 10th 2022 or on February 16th 2022 or somewhat between those dates. I will make decision based on the situation overall.

The rule is that you are not allowed to share/reveal it to any beings/entities via any method, under any circumstance. You are dealing with immortal beings so if you “cheating” with me, then you will never ever able to exit the matrix of life, so be honest.

I will receive donation via cryptocurrency only, here is my wallet: eCash












You can contact me via various ways: Email: saviorword [@]

getsession org


tox chat


Chatroom Matrix org Channel: saviorword

This is the ultimate final opportunity for all beings/entities to obtain the sacred information that only immortal beings know. I promise will never ever offer this kind of information ever again in both online and offline !

So take your chance before too late. This is the final gift from me before the ultimate showdown on Earth occur.

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha