I was listening to Alex Jones on Friday Night Tights. He mentioned that the wikileaks e-mails had an e-mail talking about a hot dog delivery to a hot tub for $50k. I'm trying to find the e-mail, but can't seem to find it in wikileaks.org.

Are there any other resources I should be searching through to find the e-mail?

1st, please don't ban me. I think you guys have a great community and I enjoy reading your stuff. That said, I've seen a lot of post about how Q "predicted" a strike on an Iranian facility in Syria. The actual prediction is "Iran is next."

Lets be real clear here. At no point did Q specifically predict the strike. Q instead predicted some form of hostility towards Iran.

For example, if instead of the facility, a bomb where dropped on a bunch of Iranian backed jihadis, that would also count as being within the scope of "Iran is Next." Here is a question, what if he wasn't predicting a single strike but a larger strategic movement focusing on Iran?

All forms of hostility would fit into "Iran is Next." There is simply no way of knowing from three words, what exactly Q meant. So is "Iran is Next" a good prediction?

No. Considering the widespread hostility the U.S. has had with Iran, it was only a matter of time before something along those lines happened.

Anyways, let me know if I should delete this post. Thanks for reading.


We suffered a loss today, but that does not mean our lives are over. When your winning, you got to keep fighting, when your losing, you have to keep fighting, and when there is no hope, fight some more.

When Biden starts rolling back Trump policies that put more child traffickers in jail then both Obama and Bush combined, start protesting. Get the message out. Do the same for all the undeniably good policies until we can get decent human beings in office.

Start running for local offices. Tired of your kids being brainwashed? Join the School board and fight. Do the same for every issue you care about!

God woke you up for a reason. Its not so you can go back to sleep when you get a bloody nose. Its so that you can lead yourselves and your communities to a better tomorrow.