Trump has said many times, we will be back very soon, sooner than red wave in 2022 (so Jan. 2023 realistically) and Trump as SOTH.
Kash says, there is no way Trump gets in before 2024 election.
Where is the truth?
I'm thinking about our brethren at, I'm thinking of the sheep still asleep.
We need to formulate and add things to (as things progress) some sort of clean and concise happenings. Too many of us have a past of being awake, read article, absorb info, and moving on. We need to become master collectors of this data, not just readers of this data. The info in your brain will do you little good if others cannot understand it.
So I'm proposing a tiered structure for this. Entry, Mid, Deep level redpilling. Maybe we can start tagging posts with this like a flair, or better yet, put it in the title so it can be searched and put together with other important yet similar in depth articles.
I've seen too many people say I can't put years of research into a 1 sentence answer, and I agree. You could however archive an entry level into redpilling into a [made public] google drive, and give them access to view the drive. That is just one example of what I'm talking about.
If it would cause you to lack here, do not add this task to yourself. This is for those who have the free time and know how. O7 you glorious patriots.
I'm thinking we should compile them somewhere accessible to all, with the memes categorized? Thoughts? Does this exist anywhere? (OBV patriotic memes)
Much Love, Michael.
It is no surprise to any of us here that global climate change will be the next agenda pushed. The question is, will people just forget about Russia and Ukraine? Well people admit Russia was not trying to overthrow Ukraine? Or will people claim that Ukraine defeated Russia in a self-defense way? Comment below. Much love.
I recently made a post about how I was getting kicked out for not getting the clot shot (still am not getting it, etc.). I found out Thursday that the Navy Seal lawsuit against Sec. of State became a (you guessed it) CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT (which are very effective). Now, an injunction has been placed on administratively separating any who requested a religious accommodation. I was actually relieved that I was getting discharged, as they have basically made me useless to my reserve unit. I’m not allowed to qualify my reservist job, stand under instructions, nor drill with my actual unit. Instead I am to drill alone as the only remaining unvaccinated (who didn’t just stop showing up), doing literally nothing until I get kicked out (or not). Now, I don’t really know what to think nor how to feel about staying in. (I’m contracted to stay in til 2024 September, so I guess I’ll stay in while useless until then if not kicked out?)
Looking for input from FRENS. Please keep in mind, that I seek to be as honorable as possible throughout the entire process. I’m more so thinking of what it might look like in light of the great awakening happening before I leave by contract. Thanks in advance.
Only this site works flawlessly for me.
I was rofling this whole video... until the end. Then I realized he's full of crap (and I don't mean about the shape of the earth). Modern medicine, funded by the Rothschild's is absolutely meant to mask symptoms without curing the disease. This is not to say ALL modern medicine is this way. Knee surgery, LASIK, I could go on are good things, then there are many other things that are not meant to actually fix the problem, and relies heavily on the bodies own ability to cure itself, while making you think (because you "feel better") that the medicine healed you. I'm also not advocating that you don't take a tylenol if you have a headache, etc. Sometimes tricking the body into thinking it's better really does help you become better. The key, however, would be to look at the root cause, DIET. It turns out, the trash you put in your body makes you feel unwell, because your body is reacting to what you put inside. Couple that with adding more chemicals that throw off your body's ability to fix the problem (sometimes taking the drug works out, sometimes it doesn't, not very science-y). Instead, if you put in your body what it was most efficiently designed for, then you have significantly less health issues. In fact, people dieting the right way have been cured of diseases that "modern medicine" could not handle. There are other issues (like mental struggles such as anxiety, extreme introversion, etc.) that stem from dieting that science has no clue how to deal with, and prescribes usually sleep aids and counseling sessions. These never solve the actual problem. What I'm going to say next should not surprise you. The diet I speak of is carnivore diet (to include cheese / eggs). The reason this is so effective is the body's ability to process them (particularly in high fat content, much like breast milk). When your body (liver*) is processing sugars and carbohydrates, it causes a higher glycemic index in your body, this causes blood cells and other various parts of your body to oxidize. LDL (Low Density Lipids) are called bad cholesterol, however, it is only "bad" when it is oxidized, which happens when you are eating too much sugar and carbohydrates. I have heard silly arguments like, "you can't survive without carbs." This is unequivocally false. How? People do it, don't die, and some how get healthier. They lose weight, they feel better, they have issues (knee pain, back pain, even as far as organ issues have been cured through this, I'm not saying this diet will fix your problem, but it may, and it is the least risky thing you could do for your health, unless you partake in food you are allergic too) fixed, and doctors cannot refute the results. On to the vaccine thing at the end. People who are anti-vax for the C0VID vax are not fully anti-vax. Here's the part that sucks for anyone reading this. You actually have to do research. Some vaccines have been proven to work really well with minimal adverse reactions. Other vaccines (like the C0VID) have very little effect against the disease, and may have high amounts of adverse reactions. I'm in favor of you doing your own research, and taking the vaccines you see as desirable. For those you don't see as effective or desirable, you should be able to make that decision and it should be between you and God. You may not had choices in the vaccines you did or did not receive as a child. However, you can decide for your offspring which ones to get and which ones to avoid. Then, when they are older, you can explain to your children that you made a calculated decision like the responsible adult you are for what decisions you made, instead of screeching, Dr. so-and-so said get the vaccines or Dude on the internet said no vaccines ever! I'm sure this will be hated by pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers... good. BTW, the best way to fight graphene oxide in your body is glutathione, which can be naturally produced in your body by eating, wait for it, red meat and eggs. Now remember folks, the people telling you that eating meat is bad for you lied to you about how many other things. And yes, you can find doctors who talk about the health of eating a carnivore diet, and they have science to back up their statements, but don't take my word for it, look it up yourself.
Hint: This guy is/was a professor, probably angry liberal, he also replied to me, so that's cool.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul)
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
God may be (edit: not "may be", IS) using Trump in many ways we can't even imagine.
Trump[et], Trump [card], Trump[ed].
Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
May these words give you comfort today, hope for the future, and a renewed strength to fight the battle God has called you to.
Don't wanna be an American idiot! Ok I think they've got something here Don't want a nation under the new media Wait, you like Old Media??? And can you hear the sound of hysteria? Projection much? The subliminal mind fuck America! Clearly you don't understand patriots Alright! Welcome to a new kind of tension that you people have caused All across the alien nation which the government caused Where everything isn't meant to be okay elites want us to be anxious Television dreams of tomorrow Idiocracy projects what the DS wants us to be... slaves We're not the ones who're meant to follow They thought you would follow the stars
Well, maybe I'm the faggot America yes, yes you are, go on I'm not a part of a redneck agenda(alright!) what you mean to say is patriotism Now everybody do the propaganda you can keep trying, but no (projection again) And sing along to the age of paranoia Stop giving us reasons to be paranoid!
What a waste of digital space and memory the left has made for us, this is one among many trashy leftists bands. This really is a shameful time of America when this song came out. (2004)
I walk in without a mask, I work all day without a mask, I leave without a mask. I am not vaccinated, and everyone knows. (Early on, I was vehemently against the vaccine, long before it was a mandate, then one guy kept bringing it up at work after the mandate came into being.) People regularly make comments, how I'm going to give them the coof or contract it myself. I'm making them sick. Please put on a mask (I say no, lol). It's endless. I'm surrounded by idiots. I finally got on second shift, so I deal with that for a solid 1/2 hour to an hour. My boss normally has it hanging off his ear, but told me because I didn't wear my mask, he was going to wear his. Halfway through talking to me, he pulls it off one ear again. LOL, I'm breaking each and everyone of them at a very slow pace. I'm now working with the 1 other 2nd shifter, he's masking up anytime he leaves his desk or when someone approaches. The mental wall on this one is thicc AF.
If it doesn't arrive because of the trucker protests
visibly shaking
I'll be proud to have a late package for the first time in my life.
God bless the truckers, we stand with you.
No I mean, I can’t breathe (through my nose). It could be Covid, OR, renovation of 150+ year old house taking down a ceiling full of mouse crap… 🐁 💩 I hate not being able to breathe normally. It’s why I don’t like the dang mask. Hardly ever wear it.
People I work with are suddenly all getting sick with the coof. Also, in the ME, NH region which is surging with "cases" from the new "variant" Omicron or whatever they claim nowadays. All I'm saying is, I take vitamin C, D3, and Zinc regularly, occasionally spice it up with HCQ or Ivermectin, and have not gotten sick yet. Also, i work at a federal gov't job (did not submit a religious accommodation) and have yet to get fired for such insubordination as not getting the clot shot. At this point, they may not be capable of firing me with so many dropping out, if they desire workers.