It all started with this obscure "Q" phenomenon in 2017, that as usual was quickly deboooonked [FEAR]. We were called insane, extremists, "alt right", domestic threats [MSM & SM]. We've been silenced, banned, outcast, sometimes even at the expense of close friends and family.. Who were we actually threatening? The people, or "them" [DS]? I've sometimes felt like it was just myself and couple of shitposters vs the world (maybe the masses are too far gone??), but like many instances, an illusion can be convincingly portrayed as reality [MSM]. Recent uncoverings and actions have made me realize how accurate that belief was. I realize now many more are awake, enlightened, energized than I can ever recall in my lifetime. More than I could have imagined (divine proof). Perhaps even though it was just a few of us glorious pedes, we actually did some good. We made our dent in the universe. These next few days will be the time to shine. Let us not forget the importance of this work, and remember our now future duty to always guard what is right and true. Enemies rarely stay silent forever. Soldiers fight the battles, Guardians protect all that they have accomplished.



As the last several days have transpired, I've been asking myself how I can provide any sort of help, power, or clarity to this amazing movement that I have seen coming for all of my adult life. That moment is now, it is here. As we sit on the precipice of what may be to come, as the dark rumors are starting to build and true evil is being dragged to the light, the strongest thing I can immediately provide is a moment of focused, concentrated prayer and thought.

We all know we are more powerful in large numbers. This is true physically, mentally, spiritually, even across great and vast distances. The power of the mind, thoughts, and prayers are very real, and they transcend all times and mediums. Therefore, I am asking anyone who wants to join me from wherever/whenever you are on this great Earth to take one minute tonight at 10pm EST and pray/meditate/focus/concentrate (however best suits you) with me. Let us coordinate our thoughts and efforts to make a powerful stand in this battle.

We will be sending our prayer/thoughts/light/energy to our President for his safety, to shield him, his Family, and his last remaining Loyal Associates, shield them with brilliantly bright white light. We will be doing the same for this wonderful Nation and its beautiful Patriots still fighting to defeat this demonic force, giving protection for them all from what is on the horizon. Silence everything for just one moment, and pray as hard as you can for these people and this nation.

Join me tonight (1/8) at 10pm. Let's send our message and combine our power en masse to shield our President, our Patriots, and this great Nation. I'll be there, I sincerely hope you will join me. God bless and Godspeed.