Our 4-year-old awoke last night startled and crawled into our bed. She was physically rattled, so I asked her if she had a dream.

"Yes, and there was a big storm coming."

I know it's nothing remarkable, but her proclamation made my eyes bug out and my skin crawl.

And yesterday, my husband's end-of-season Draft Kings payout was $17.00 exactly. We high-fived each other. ?


I think we have to understand that our country is at WAR. During Trump's administration, he used (and still uses) doublespeak to convey messages to the enemy AND the Patriots.

When discussing Covid-19, he calls it China Virus or China Plague. When discussing deep state/CCP/communism, he calls that Invisible Enemy or Invisible Virus.

His Covid-19 briefing throughout 2020 didn't always reference Covid-19 like we thought. At one point, he even said, "FISA vaccine," instead of Pfizer. When referring to military distribution, he could've been discussing warrants/arrests.

BOTTOM LINE: Trump isn't our savior. Only Christ is that.

Trump DID promote HCQ and other therapies, and MSM/DS ripped him to shreds because of it. I think that was his way of telling us there are other treatments much safer than vaccines.

We have to think for ourselves, Patriots. This isn't called the Great Awakening for nothing! ??

CoVFeFe magnets and TESLA (Anyone else heard of this?) (neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog)
posted ago by MilWife76 ago by MilWife76

Qpost #97: https://qanon.pub/?#97

It's not DARKness. And the 10 days is above it on separate line with a period.

What do you think is meant by "darnkess"?


I've heard FEMA is present in D.C. and remembered what Trump signed on January 1st.

I find it coincidental that it's called the STORM Act. Is FEMA how all this will go down?

Link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/bill-announcement-010121/