Does anyone besides me think the end of this world is nigh?
Despite some victories for the people, the planned death and destruction of the proletariat marches on, whilst Schwab and his cohorts continue their satanic chant of "take the vaccines, eat the bugs, you will own nothing and you will be happy. We are creating pod cities where you will live cheek to jowl, and your survival depends upon your social credit score. We will monitor you 24/7 and there will be zero privacy."
I just viewed several photos of parents holding their young ones getting "fully vaccinated" and perhaps boosted. They are so proud that they just ignorantly poisoned their offspring. Humanity has gone almost fully insane. Why did so many swallow the Covid Koolaid? There are probably many more vaccine dead or soon-to-be-dead than we have been allowed to know.
Did you ever think our children would be indoctrinated by the schools into LGBTQ and transgender identity idealized and pushed upon innocents?
We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Times like Lot in Sodom are something Christ told us to watch for. He indicated when we see those signs, his coming may be near, to be ready. Destruction of Sodom by fire is interpreted by scholars to be a type of the destruction of the world by fire at the end after Christ suddenly appears in the sky, where every eye shall see him. When the last generation of the living saints rise to meet him in the air, there will be no more need for this present distraught Earth. A new Earth will be created wherein dwelleth righteousness.
I do not believe Schwab's crew will be allowed to finish perfecting their dystopia. If the Lord does not make an end of this present darkness, then I hope to be one of the wise virgins who wakes up to see the approach of the Lord and his deliverance.
There's talk she wants to run someday for POTUS. It's a great job for grifters and narcissists, right? Guess she's gettin' ready early.
From the RFK Jr. book on Fauci:
Fauci did much more than stir up panic about AIDS . . . He used fraudulent studies to promote a dangerous drug for AIDS victims. “Dr. Fauci’s fraud persuaded hundreds of thousands of people to take AZT. For many of them, it was a lethal choice. In 1987, AZT became the AIDS ‘therapy’ even though in the recommended dosage of 1,500 mg/day, it was absolutely fatal. Throughout the 1980s, the average lifespan of a patient on AZT was four years. . .The quality of life on AZT was universally pretty miserable. Many credible scientists argued that AZT was killing more people than AIDS.
Keep this in mind when they start up a heavier sales pitch on the newer AIDS drugs and "vaccines," when VAIDS becomes full blown.
Full article here:
22 - Oliver Stone Fears (((NeoCons))) Planning Nuclear False Flag"
Peter C said (May 3, 2022):
My guess is that this 'war' is going to become a very limited nuclear event, either real or pretend, to be used as a cover story for all of the "Vaccine" deaths that will be coming to fruition shortly. Remember, radiation sickness is quite similar to what the "Vaccine" damage presents as: fast growing cancers, blood cell damage, immune system breakdown.
This 'war' is just a furtherance of the fake 'pandemic', which is a push to implement a worldwide totalitarian socialist government AKA the NWO, while also providing a cover story for the inevitable world-wide economic collapse. You're witnessing the opening of WW3, but in order to have the desired number of deaths worldwide without having to resort to the all-out use of nukes, which would ruin the planet for the masters, they got the idiotic people to line up for their own annihilation beforehand via the 'vaccine'.
The war will also be used to explain away the shortages of food and fuel.
Food shortages are coming. Not that there is any shortage of food; the farms will still be there, the crops will still be there, the grocery stores will still be there, the cattle will still be there, what won't be there is 'their' monetary system which is rapidly collapsing. You must understand that there need not be any food shortages, but in order to avoid that scenario the powers-that-be would need to allow the people to trade independently of their failed FIAT currency systems. This is what they can't allow. They'll never allow any infringement on their monopoly over currency creation and credit. They will starve us to death rather than let their monopoly collapse.
As a side note: I don't believe the stories about there being a mad-cow style disease spreading in the deer, moose and elk populations in North America. They will use this fraud as a justification for a culling of this food source. I also don't believe in this most recent supposed Avian Flu outbreak. You'll notice that they're not claiming these diseases are showing up in wildlife such as skunks, chipmunks or coyotes, no, it's just in common food source animals. The same goes for the 'avian-flu' hysteria that they're currently ramping-up.
Remember, the need for a cover story for the worldwide economic collapse was the whole reason that the 'pandemic/war' was conceived and instigated at this time in the first place.
The food industry is already monopolized by 10 companies, the majority of which include Vanguard and BlackRock as top shareholders. What happens when they control all of the seeds, produce, and meat too? What happens when produce and meat are all grown inside secured facilities after a gene splice or inside a petri dish, and farmland becomes dormant due to overreaching regulations, lack of supplies, and manufactured inflation?
Very thorough article on the future of NWO food production here:
From the comments section (see link below):
Let’s review:
The Plandemic? CHECK.
Destroying food sources? CHECK.
Starting World War Three? CHECK.
Toxic chemical aerial spraying on a regular basis? CHECK.
‘The Science!’ and Medical profession poisoned by money and thug tactics? CHECK.
A war on our children’s gender and identity? CHECK.
A war on the traditional family? CHECK.
Allowing countless illegals across the border? CHECK.
Stoking racial strife and conflict? CHECK.
Erasure of our National history and identity? CHECK.
A war on our very FUTURE and EXISTENCE? CHECK.
The enrichment of all those trying to do us in? CHECK.
The World Economic Forum aka The New World Order Beast System? CHECK.
And the worst? ‘WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF COFFEE!!’ (Thanks, Airplane!-2)
My… someone might just get the idea that They don’t want us around anymore!