So my poor senior aged cat (17 years) suddenly developed seizures, which the vet thinks has been caused by a brain tumor. This is very bad for kitty because she gets severe neurological damage from the seizures. She is on sedatives to control, and after several days, she achieved a good level of recovery from the damage that occurred. Thank you, Jesus.
I was at the grocery store a few weeks back and I thought, "While I am here, why don't I just refill her meds?" At that time I learned it was on the controlled list, so I would have to stick to a strict refill schedule. So I asked the pharmacist to write down the date it would be OK to refill so as not to forget.
Today was refill day, and again I asked the pharmacist to write the refill date on the new bottle. She exclaimed "It's July 26! That's my birthday!" I answered, "Oh really? That's the day some Christians are saying is going to be the rapture!" She seemed quite pleased about that.
So what is so special about 7/26? For one thing, that date this year is the Jewish feast of new wine. Now it just happens that the feast of new wine is the day that the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples:
The disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, rushed out into the street and began praising God in various languages. The men in the street said, "These men [the disciples] are full of new wine." But Peter answered and said, "Ye men of Judæa, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: 15 for these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day."
The third hour would have been 9 am. This was the hour when the high priest would have been pouring out the offering of new wine, which was made from the first grape harvest. No one was allowed to drink this new wine until after this ritual was performed. So the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Church at the same time as the high priest was pouring out the new wine, similarly to how Christ was being sacrificed at the same time the people were slaughtering their Passover lamb. The new wine in connection with the giving of the Holy Spirit is not a well known teaching.
So now we get to 7/26 of 2023. 726 in Strong's Concordance means "rapture." There are prophecy students who are convinced the resurrection/rapture will take place this year, and they are watching July 26.
Now I am not personally completely convinced this date this year will be the appearing of Christ in the clouds, but I do look up quite a bit hoping it will be soon. In fact, some months ago I had a chat with a man at the store register, and we expressed some disappointment that Trump had not yet come to rescue us, and he said, "We'll just have to wait for Jesus in the sky," to which I nodded.
Will the date come and go without drama? We'll just have to wait and see. If Christ does appear, I won't be crying.
"I tell you, I will never again drink this wine until the day I drink the new wine with you in my Father's Kingdom." Matthew 26:29
Pepe Lives Matter @PepeLivesMatter17 20h · Robert Kennedy has openly proclaimed that MK ultra brainwashing is real, the CIA created lone gunmen and murdered JFK, big pharma is pure evil, the vaccine is poison, the military industrial complex is creating wars, and he's doing it all as a Democrat.
He's reaching the people Trump could never awaken because the propaganda machine has created a wall in their beliefs about 45. But what better way to break through the cognitive dissonance than use the nephew of the original Democrat patriot, JFK?
It's as if the echo of JFK's sacrifice lives on and they just can't seem to silence that power.
The truth is a force of nature and it's being highlighted around the world.
Deliberate Externally-Imposed Lifespan Reduction Without Informed Consent:
I don't think anyone recognizes how bad the situation is. If we believe Dr. Bhakdi's mechanism of action of the shots, and the confirmation of his mechanism by the autopsies, then anyone who has received a functional vaccine (one that works as intended) will suffer tissue and organ damage to some extent.
This will result in a reduced lifespan, the amount of reduction depending on:
the amount of damage from the shot,
the recipient's genetic makeup, and
residual damage from toxic exposures and a toxic lifestyle.
If we define murder as deliberate externally-imposed lifespan reduction without informed consent, then essentially everyone who received a functional vaccine shot will have been murdered!
This could be many tens of millions in the USA alone, by the time it all plays out and a full accounting can be performed.
Further, as Dr. Bhakdi points out, any mRNA vaccine that results in the expression of a foreign protein on the surface of a "self" cell will have a similar effect to that of the COVID-19 mRNA shot.
So, anyone who dodged the bullet by receiving non-functional COVID-19 vaccines could still be impacted if they receive functional flu vaccines or any other vaccine with the same mode of action.
Doctors' Data (found on Makow website)
Both Christ and Peter mentioned the days of Noah. Noah and his family were saved out of the Great Flood of Judgment that fell upon the whole world, which God said was wicked. Christ and Peter both said the end times judgment would catch most people unawares at Christ's return.
Then we have Lot and a portion of his family saved out of the fire of judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. This story is considered to be a type of The Judgment of the world at the end. Doesn't it strike y'all as hideously strange that Sodom and Gomorrah are manifesting right in our faces today everywhere and that our children are in great danger from it? Christ said the world would be similar to Sodom and Gomorrah during Lot's time just before Christ's return. People would be living life pretty much as usual in a wicked world--then unexpected flaming fire.
I've been seeing rapture fever all over the Internet of late. A lot of believers think the Church is flying in the sky this year, maybe even this summer during wheat harvest, or perhaps during the Festival of Trumpets. Well, best get ready, in case it proves to be so.
Hubs just came back from a business trip to Tennessee:
He said along the route, he saw a lot of churches with signs out front:
"Jesus is returning soon."
Someone please let WEF know. They are trying to launch the Anti-Christ.