The following are comments from readers posted to Makow's website:

Women's Day upon us again. What a crock. We are being urged to wear purple. I don't think so. I won't be wearing purple today Commie. Let me explain to you commie why I won't be wearing purple commie. Like Communism. Feminism appeals to women's inner demons. No commie I won't wear purple today. Let me elaborate further. Feminism has allowed women to decide that 65 million and more worldwide would never have a name or a chance of life. Feminism has driven men forever into the 40 Year Old Virgin, Incel or MGTOW territories without even a chance of coming back. Women hate men forever. Lesbianism is now dominant in politics, society and culture. Men were tricked into thinking that Lesbianism was attempting to wriggle men back in, but that was not the case. No, it was to forever divide the 2 sexes. The few women that I wanted were persuaded to adopt feminism as the official religion.

So you see Commie. No purple for me today.

The government people here in the US are nothing more than spiritual and social ****-stains and apparatchiks of unrelenting communism. No matter who is elected, it never gets better. It gets worse and the act of voting is like what Howard Cosell said years ago in sports: "It is an exercise in futility."

What we see in today's governments is a bad version of the Roman Empire. There seems to be an almost total disregard of morality. If this continues, mankind will not survive because he keeps violating the natural order of life that the real God created.

˜Stop being chained to the kitchen sink™" was the feminist mantra of the 1970s to inspire women to step out of the home and into the workplace. Women in fact ended up losing their freedom where they paid others to clean their home and look after their children while they worked longer hours under supervision in often tedious, boring labour. They were never chained to the kitchen sink, but they ended up spending their life chained to the office desk.

The 8th of March has a dual significance. In 1917 the great February revolution broke out - 23 February Old Style (8 March New Style). It was, in fact, the working women of Petersburg who began this revolution; it was they who first decided to raise the banner of opposition to the Tsar and his associates.

So the day celebrates the fact that women were the original useful idiots.

So happy idiots day to all women who are stupid enough to celebrate it! LOL

My story:

My mother grew up in a family of 4 daughters. She was the eldest, and my grandfather molded her into his "son." As a teenager, he put her to work in the small business he owned, supposedly to "keep her out of trouble." Actually, he had an abusive nature, and she bore the brunt of it. She grew up to be a man-hating, angry woman. When feminism came along, my mother fully embraced it. It added to the destructive force that my grandfather began.

He stilled the storm . . . (www.coptic-church.org)
posted ago by MissBear ago by MissBear

From Acts 17:

The Uproar in Thessalonica 5 The Jews, however, became jealous. So they brought in some troublemakers from the marketplace, formed a mob, and sent the city into an uproar. They raided Jason’s house in search of Paul and Silas, hoping to bring them out to the people. 6 But when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials, shouting,** “These men who have turned the world upside down have now come here,** 7 and Jason has welcomed them into his home. They are all defying Caesar’s decrees, saying that there is another king, named Jesus!”…

We are upside down again, and nothing is as it should be. If the disciples "turned the world upside down," in the early days of the church, are we near the end of the age when King Jesus will come and turn things right side up?


Found on Makow's website (from a reader):

Reader--4 main things I noticed to detox from in the poison shot. (We have to perpetually detox to survive and stay human)

heavy metals                 - graphene razors, nano tech
fungus                           - cancer, nano tech
plastic                           - hydrogel/quantum dot, nano tech
biological abominations - hydra vulgaris hybrid creature


green tea, vitamin C, turmeric (avoid powdered crap it's full of lead)
borax, baking soda, ganja (eaten, tea or vaped around 250degree F.  Not smoked, smoking creates benzene toxins and wastes medicine), activated charcoal (burned toast), avoid sugar
cruciferous vegetables, ie -chlorella, kale, etc

Don't know if any of the above is useful. Just pasting it here "in case."


Don't know the origin of this, but I found it on


Did you know COV!D was made official on 12/12/2019,

exactly 6,666 days from 9/11/2001?

Welcome to the second 9/11.

[These creatures REALLY like their numerology. For them it has magick. . .]

Do you think this is real? (www.naturalnews.com)
posted ago by MissBear ago by MissBear
Grid problems (www.zerohedge.com)
posted ago by MissBear ago by MissBear

This was originally found on: TennesseTruthseeker@TennesseeMAGA13

Posted to: http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/


The laws governing Agenda 2030 land development allow governments to seize polluted land and move their residents into smart cities.

Important to note: If the land and water around you is completely poisoned, you don't get to opt out of the "smart city" model coming down the pike.

Are you starting to understand?

Look up UN's Agenda 2030

Is Trump destroying NATO? (www.realhistorychan.com)
posted ago by MissBear ago by MissBear
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