Will you accept an apology from
doctors and nurses,
who all contributed to murdering your loved ones?
[We could add some other names/titles to this list.]
When I woke up the morning of May 18, 1980, the sky was pitch black and quite eerie. "Did the Russians drop the bomb?" I sleepily wondered. Timidly, I ventured outside the front door. Something dirt-like was falling from the darkened sky. "Not bombs! Mount St. Helens has exploded!" This was pre-Internet, so I turned on the radio. Interspersed with repeated playings of Jimmy Buffet: "I don't know, I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the volcano blow" there was reportage that the volcano had a massive eruption. A lookout (who lost his life) contacted headquarters: "Vancouver! This is it!"
There was nothing really to do, so I went back to bed. When I awoke, the sky was no longer black, but gray. Ash blew about everywhere, and we were informed that school would be cancelled for a week, so that the interior of buildings would be protected from ash being dragged and blown inside. Good. I ate cheap mac and cheese boxes for a week and found out the hard way that carbs cause weight gain. My dance teacher said she ate Doritos for the week. In bed. She said she loved it. (A week's bed-and-TV Dorito vacation, I suppose.)
After the unexpected spring-break-in-the-ashes, we all went back to our previously interrupted routines and life went on as before.
Just as we had been, in 1980, awaiting the arrival of a potential volcanic explosion, we have, in recent times, been waiting for another sort of explosion, such as this:
Since the ECB moved to negative rates in 2014, here we are approaching 8.6 years, which is coming up in 2022 when everything just goes BANG! M.A.
"Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. They know they have a serious problem. All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.” The crisis in banking will start in Europe. . . . The debt is collapsing. They have no way to sustain themselves. The debt market over there is undermining the stability of all the banks. You have to understand that reserves are tied to government debt, and this is the perfect storm."
This time, however, life will not go back to what we think of as normal.
When the fallout clears, something better may be put in place. That is what most are hoping for. However, Klaus Schwab, et al, are likely hoping this will lead to the "Great Reset of Globalist Billionaires and too bad for you ragged bug eaters."
(Strangely enough, just now as I type, a huge storm has broken out above my neighborhood, complete with hailstones on the windowpane.)
Meanwhile, over at GAB, White Rabbit is expecting the US to collapse by the end of October and warns of going offline should that happen.
It may be just dooming, as usual. On the other hand, for a new day to dawn, we are going to have to ride through a storm to get to the other side of whatever will be.
Hope to see you there.
When I was in high school, I sat in the back corner of one of my classes with a couple of Christian girls. They regaled me with End Times stories which I now believe were cobbled up from John Darby and the Plymouth Brethren, further promoted via the Scofield Bible, which gave rise to Dispensationalism and Christian Zionism.
I wasn't a Christian myself, just an ignorant, clueless churchgoer, but I listened avidly to their tales. They said that one day soon, there was going to be a one world government, a one world religion and a one world currency. I had no idea about any of this, but lo and behold, we are actually now at the precipice of such a possibility. Not that I believe this will happen. It is being threatened after a fashion by WEF.
They said that one day, Jesus would come and rapture all of the Christians out of the world before the horrors were unleashed, and they considered they would be receiving this wonderful ride.
However, all of the non-Christians "left behind" were going to be in very serious trouble. The Anti-Christ would arise and rule the world and would begin persecuting any new Christians that would convert after the rapture. These people would have a kind of "second chance" with Jesus, but it would really cost them, because the Anti-Christ would chop off their heads if they didn't take the "mark of the beast," without which no man could "buy or sell."
I was so freaked out by these talks, that I got out a Bible and read all of Revelation, without any understanding of the text, of course. Since I didn't know how to "believe in Jesus," I thought I was going to end up being one of those people who got their heads chopped off, because taking the mark would result in a ride to hell, which, of course, I didn't want.
This was about 15 years prior to my conversion. And I finally learned that much of Revelation is written in a very symbolic way.
After conversion, someone gave me a copy of the Scofield Bible. It is very influential in the American churches. I noticed that there are copious margin notes, and the notes overwhelmingly promote the earthly nation of Israel. So this led many American churches to put earthly Israel above Christ's Kingdom.
If you notice the kinds of things that WEF and others of that ilk are saying, doing, and threatening to do, they seem to be promoting some kind of End Times madness. It is interesting that in the early days of the Christian church, people were saying that the disciples were "turning the world upside down." It is equally interesting that today, the world has once more become something that has "turned upside down," but not in the Gospel sense, rather in a crazy, never-seen-before kind of way. Good has become bad, ugly has become beautiful, upside down is now considered to be right side up.
If the WEF orcs get their way, there will be all kinds of suffering and death, and they have been holding this over our heads since early 2020. Not that they didn't talk about it before. It's just that not many were listening. Well, a lot of us are listening now, because the orcs got louder.
Since 2020, I have had some days with crying and even screaming at the walls. "Isn't anyone going to put a stop to this?" The world has truly gone mad. I thought maybe Hazmat suits were going to come to my door, throw me down, and forcibly inject me with poison. Hasn't happened so far. I thought the BLM riots might come to my neighborhood, robbing, raping, killing and setting fire. Hasn't happened yet. Last fall, Biden promised a dark winter. Didn't happen. They are threatening us now with no money, no food, no heat for our homes, no fuel for our cars, and even a potential nuclear exchange. Is any of that going to happen? Or is it mostly just fear mongering for the purpose of controlling the masses?
Orcs such as Klaus Schwab talk as if they are on the verge of victory. I think they are wrong. They haven't read the back of the book. I don't think we will have to line up at guillotines, emaciated, freezing, and beaten nearly to death. These things have indeed happened to some people throughout history. But I believe in the happy ending that God has promised. Satan's army is busy threatening ALL of us. That has never happened before, to my knowledge. Satan can't win, however. God wins. It is that simple.
The way things are shaping up, it looks like the political crisis in Ukraine is leading to a nuclear threat, as the Western leaders have deliberately misinterpreted Putin’s statements in order to bring about a nuclear crisis. Ukraine is an existential crisis for both sides, so neither side intends to back down. Ukraine, known to be the most corrupt nation in the world, is the center for western money laundering and child trafficking and biolabs intended to reduce the world’s population. On the other hand, Ukraine’s plan to join NATO and to push for nuclear weapons on Russia’s border makes them an existential threat to Russia.
Russia will not back down on this issue, any more than the US did during the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, sixty years ago this month. Neither the US nor Russia will tolerate nuclear missiles so close to their borders. So this is very likely going to cause a similar crisis in Ukraine, which will frighten the whole world—all except the saints who know the word of God and have been directly involved in prayer campaigns to prevent the world from being destroyed.
Author - Dr. Stephen E. Jones
"My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death. I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave."
- Stonewall Jackson, July 24th 1861 to Captain Imboden following the victory of the First Brigade at the Battle of the First Manassas/First Bull Run and the wounding of his hand on July 21st, 1861
Sodom and Gomorrah
I knew this was coming years ago after reading Isaiah 1:10,
10 Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah.
I understood from this that America (and the West in general) was soon to become Sodom and Gomorrah as much as the Israelites in the days of the prophets. Yet I also recognized that this would also be the final degradation of the country before the fire of God would fall. Though some have looked for a nuclear judgment, I see this as a promise of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I see prophecy through New Covenant eyes. I do not focus upon the sins of man but upon the promises of God to institute change and to establish His will and His Kingdom.
So now—finally—it seems that we are arriving at the point in history where the Supreme Court itself, led by Justice Alito, is reviving the Tenth Amendment from the judicial graveyard. Does he understand what he is doing? Do these 5 Justices who support the majority opinion of the Court know that they are making history? Recall that 3 of these Justices were appointed by Donald Trump, the greatest disruptor of them all. He stated many times publicly that one of his main goals was for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade.
Although this did not happen during his term as president (2016-2020), the effects of his appointments are now bearing fruit. I believe that the satanic oligarchs whose puppets in government work tirelessly, first to reinterpret the Constitution and finally to destroy it, are extremely alarmed. They know that power is slipping from their grasp, and this is causing them to move too fast.
They have turned up the heat on the frog, and the frog has been awakened. In fact, the frog is now jumping out of the hot water. More than 70 percent of Americans have now rejected the Deep State government and its precepts of enslavement and immorality. The only way the Deep State can continue to rule is by stealing votes through the Dominion voting machines.
When the world looks at America, they need to understand that most Americans do not support the Deep State government or its policies. We are in the midst of a media war, and when we win this war, it will shock the world. They will then realize that CNN and all of the major news media moguls get their “talking points” directly from the World Economic Forum and do not give a proper view of Americans themselves.
The world is soon going to be shocked—in a good way.
Full text:
It looks like we are being set up for food shortages in the world. Food processors are being destroyed or damaged; cattle are dying of "heat and humidity." Some say it is deliberate (a conspiracy), while others say it is just a coincidence. Either way, the result is the same--except that if it is deliberate, then we can expect more of these incidents in the future. With all the farmers and ranchers in America, it always seemed a bit far-fetched that famine could come to America, in spite of occasional prophecies about such an event in past decades. Other places in the world, yes, but here? That seemed very unlikely. Well, now....
10,000 cattle dead in Kansas
2000-3000 more cattle dead in Kansas
15,000 sheep drowned in the Red Sea near Sudan
Food processing plants damaged or destroyed since 2021
Fertilizer shortages due to the Russia-Ukraine war
Then, of course, there is the impact of fuel shortages, blockages in major ports, trucking problems, etc. But don't worry. The government will be happy to help, as long as you have a good social credit score.
From Dr. Stephen E. Jones