I watch it on bitchute and notice SHILLS and TROLLS attack the channel, its almost like they have nothing better to do....or they are scared and they KNOW something will happen.....look, I know it looks like Trump lost, or he quit, or the swamp won, but if that was the case, the swamp would not be trying to remove trump sooner. Also the trump I know doesn't quit.....he has to say his words VERY carefully, and it looks like he is giving the Swamp a false sense of security.....now I know people are upset about the letter the military signed calling Biden president elect, but they also say they follow the constitution" no mention of following orders from Biden" AND mention the words civilian army for some reason. ..plus the military just follows orders, they were probably TOLD to write that. Let's just wait until the 20th "although I'm waiting for the 21st just to be safe" to much fear from the deep state that I'm noticing is telling me it's not over yet.
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