deleted -13 points ago +3 / -16
deleted -13 points ago +4 / -17
Moomoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn’t make any sense. Trump is up to his eyeballs in personal debt to foreign banks. In terms of being financially compromised he’s the poster child.

The jig is up. Q is obviously bullshit. Let’s connect back with reality.

Moomoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, dude, you didn’t wake up, you’ve been roped into a set of wild conspiracy theories that are being proven false over and over again.

Moomoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honest question, are you going to rethink your beliefs and other stances when that threshold is reached? I mean you’re right that it’s ridiculous. But to believe in something so ridiculous and then acknowledge that it’s essentially a sham - I would think that’s a good time for a step back and a hard look inward.

Buying local is hardly a new concept btw. I’m not sure being a programmer will help you solve the problem of peering into businesses supply chains - you’ll also soon find how interconnected the global economy is if you go down that path. But yeah, keeping money local is great, I agree at least with that.