I may have found Q's key. lets say MAP = Membership Action Plan
In January I found this study
Quercetin is a safe natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenolic compound that found in various natural sources include onion, red grapes, honey and citrus fruits. It was shown that quercetin has the ability to chelate zinc ions and act as zinc ionophore.
I have been taking Honey and Zinc with my multi-vitamin for the past 7 months. I ever wore a mask and when my wife got the covit/FLU I did not.
Just want to post that my wife (age 45) got COVID 7 days ago. I am 61yo and both of us have not been VACCINATED. A month ago I started taking zinc and honey every day to try to boost my immune system. My wife chose not to. My wife felt really bad. She took cold and flu medicine and now after 7 days doing much better. During the 7 days I was with her in the same room and slept in the same bed and neither ever had a mask on. Just let you know I am 100% COVID free. I never got sick.