Lights out in Iran? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by MrsMason ago by MrsMason

I thought I'd search treaties, nothing but treaty gave us this.


I'm not sure if it fits into anything at the moment, but interesting.


I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thought or if has even been brought up.

The speeches 45 has done post election from the podium thing, like tonight, has been edited together. What if the camera shift has a message? Like tonight...it went straight, his right, straight. In interview crap (my husband took interview and interrogation tactics as part of his past life) up and to the right is typically the truth and the up and to the left is lying.

I seem to remember most of the speeches the cuts were going to his right, could it be that it is the signal for truth? Could the cuts at the times be markers? Just pondering.