Does anyone have a link to the actual Critical Race Theory program? I have been accused of being a racist because I said it was wrong and does not belong in schools.


A man was seen walking up Main Street in my small town in a ski mask with an automatic weapon. There is a concert in town. The police are everywhere, My daughter is at work. it is less than a 5 minute car ride from where I live. Thank God she's dating a country boy and he's prepared. He is going soon get her, there's a back way.

UPDATE - They got him on the way to the concert venue. More details in the comments. Thank you all for your prayers. To God goes the glory.



Click on Do You See Me?

This is not safe for children.

Sorry I tried to fix the link but it didn’t work. Please copy and paste the URL.


I live in a small town about 2 hours from Pittsburgh. On any given day the District Deaths in the paper would be 4 or 5. Most were well over 70. Today l was looking over the lists that someone was posting in a group and noticed there are now 10-12 a day. I’m frequently seeing people just over 50 and far younger.

It’s scary how fast people are dying here. This is a Trump area. I wonder if this area was targeted or if all towns and cities are seeing the same trends.


My brother’s best friends fiancé died on Monday, less than one week after her booster. Aneurysm. She was just trying to do the right thing.

Her fiancé has always been like a brother to me and has developed severe prostate issues since getting the vax. I had to explain to him about the clot shot and how it was hurting people and killing them.

His response was I guess they got her. They were together 41 years and tonight he was lost.

Dear God can this please be over already? We’ve lost far too many and our hearts are broken.


EDIT - I think I found it already. Link is at bottom of post.

I somehow stumbled on IanIsTruth on Insta live one night and have been catching her and her mom for months. They've been on the run for a year and fighting for the kids who died and those still stuck in that life.

Ally has created over 9,000 drops of her experiences and information. She names names and gives locations. I've learned a lot from her.

She will be on Stew Peters tonight at 9 PM PST. Bam Bam and Sleepy Creepy will be mentioned.

Ally (IanIsTruth) said you can find it on Stew Peters TV, Rumble, BitChute, Spotify, Facebook, iTunes, iHeart Radio, FrankSpeech.com, Bitchute, GAB TV, Odyssey and Red Voice Media.

She asks that we do what we can. I hope maybe by sharing this someone else can share with others. It's always been about the kids. My prayers go out to them.



An internet friend posted they had covid. Was admitted. They began using remdesivir. I posted please research, it has deadly side effects and attached an article.

They respond, admonishing me for scaring them. I’m so very sad. For the past four years or so I’ve spent thousands of hours researching and reading about this whole mess and the few times l reach out to help the people either laugh or get mad. My daughter and brother got the vax and I’m horrified for them.

I’ve followed my research and feel better than I have in years. Literally turned my life around.

I’m trying, Lord. When will this madness end?


Just over a week ago my daughter told me i had parasites. I had all the symptoms. Dark circles under my eyes, depression, always tired, always hungry, overweight. She bought a product that's basically crushed black walnut shells in a capsule.

Day one I was fine. Day 3 and 4 I was really sick, kinda felt like the flu but I continued. Day 7 I was not feeling well again but I pushed through it.

Today is day 14. My eyesight is clearer than it as been in decades and the color is vibrant again. I used to get so hungry I felt like I was losing my mind. It always fekt like something was hitting the inside of my stomach. Now I realize it was.

My depression is gone. So is my anger. I feel fully present in my body again if that makes sense. My clothes are too big for me too.

Posing in case it helps someone. The dark circles are gone too. Yay!

UPDATE : This is crazy. I have so much energy. Normally I am worn out after work. Today I worked. 9 - 730, made supper for the grandkids, washed dishes and cleaned up then carried stuff up to the attic until 2am. After that l packaged some stuff for eBay and put it out for the mailman. It’s after 3 am and I still have energy to go back to work in the attic. Totally loving this.

Misspellings Count (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Mutti2 ago by Mutti2

In the wee hours of this morning I watched a video on here that walked through each step of what Trump did to get us to today. The beginning was about how he got control of all the countries.

When I realized without a doubt who’s in charge and the depths he went to get us all free I cried. Tears for the children. Tears for the world. Tears for those I love.

We are living in the most magnificent times since Jesus walked the earth because good is prevailing over evil.

I want to share the video with others, especially my sister who is totally brainwashed but I can’t find it.

Can someone help? Thank you in advance.