Mynamesprivate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Carroll Quigly, Tragedy and Hope pg 950 talks about how there is truth in the belief that there is a group of people who are willing to do whatever it takes, even allying with communists, to take over the world. He called them the round table groups. clinton praised quigley, and quigley himself worked as a professor in harvard, princeton, and georgetown university.

Mynamesprivate 6 points ago +6 / -0

Im very skeptical, and tbh ignorant, of this movement, however, i do know that epsteins island with his lame temple is real, bidens brother has an island like 6 miles away, nxivm, marie abramovich (that might be the thule society lady, i get those two names mixed up), and a few other things.

Ill poke around this place, and see what i can learn here. The main reason i came here is because the msm is, as usual, trying to blow smoke up our asses and if they want to discredit this movement, its a good sign in my eyes.