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"Dime" =>10ys.--"plea" To short/qwik to be crime. No annunciation.
"Do you solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States" nowhere do they say the United States of America.
Just saying
What makes a great movie?
Not the actors Not the director Not the producer
The Audience!
Anyone notice REG. 09-0017
Just after you mentioned it the camera zoomed in.???
They're all doing it.
Where do you get those alerts from? I haven't gotten any alerts on 3 different mobile carriers A, T, V.
Think mkng brd
8:04 shows what time he verifies comms are good per Q804
Does nobody else see RED 1? Single red line.
Has happened several times lately, but usually at night and low alt. Low alt. Usually means com with sub via trailing antenna.
"Dime" =>10ys.--"plea" To short/qwik to be crime. No annunciation.