Keystone (
posted ago by Natga_Natalia ago by Natga_Natalia

GAB is #ZOOMING today!!!!!

Thanks to Andrew for all the hard work.

On inauguration day, isn't basically the entirety of the federal government expected to attend? Because if so, wouldn't you want to make the arrests all at once? idk, this may all be an hallucination. (hopium withdrawals are a MOTHERFUCKER )


We were on the steps of the Capitol at approximately 2pm. Approximately 5ft behind me someone shot off what I thought was a bottle rocket of sorts.

Turns out it was a signal flare.

No less than 2 mins later all through the crowd I saw groups of men, all wearing gas masks, goggles, and black tactical clothing, charging through the crowds single file, each man with his left hand on the left shoulder in front of them.


One such man, at the end of the line that came pushing through the crowd past me, became Cutoff from his formation and stuck near me in the crowd. I tried to speak to him with congeniality. He was very sour and was uninterested in speaking to anyone.

He was certainly out of place and on mission.

We were disorganized, they weren’t.

I have been anon since early 2018.

I feel so demoralized.

I was in DC. I watched it all. They “breached” the south side of the building about a half hour before the speech was even done. Then when the main crowd arrived there were no barricades and the cops held the doors open for us.

Trump clearly knew they were planning this. yet, NOTHING was done to stop it. Then he posts those DEFEATED messages and video.

I feel like he has abandoned us.

It feels like we are lost.

I am trying to hold on, but my faith/hope/trust is being scuttled.

Sorry for dooming. But that’s what this feels like...DOOM.



GOD has forsaken us, it seems.

I guess we killed one too many babies in the womb for spare parts.