Jay-Z’s 13-year old rape victim comes forward - Epstein List 💣 (www.foxnews.com) 🤢 These people are SICK! 🤢
posted ago by Nehemiah ago by Nehemiah

Being awakened is a difficult experience and can be a traumatizing process. The nature and extent of human suffering—caused and perpetrated and perpetuated by world leaders, politicians and other personnel at the Federal/State/Local levels and everyone else on the frontlines of their iniquity and evil agenda—it weighs heavily on the heart and mind of one who is awakened. What we have experienced, witnessed and learned since the moment we were pulled out of slumber cannot be undone and we carry that burden everywhere we go from there.

During our morning routines we think about those who we have lost to illness and injury caused by the plandemic, and we are suffering. When we check in on the News before work we are reminded of suffering through needless war, the war against truth, marriage, gender, the war against our U.S. border with human trafficking, rape, violence, overdose, and unsafe communities around us. Engaging in or listening to conversations at work: suffering. From sun up to sun down the weight of being awakened is present, and the struggle to pull others from slumber can be exhausting.

Nevertheless; we have won. Finally. But with every victory between now and January 20 and well into the dawn of a new age and better future (however long it may last) comes the reminder and the memory of the evil and suffering we have overcome in the cumulative draining of the swamp. Our ultimate victory is, in many ways, already realized, but we have an enemy that does not go quietly and without a fight. We can legislate this enemy out, incarcerate it, drone it, tribunal and execute it, pray it away and commemorate our victory over it, but the burden of the human heart, mind and conscience is heavy and difficult.

The burden, scars, and wounds we carry should be addressed, and sooner rather than later. For many of us we take it to the cross and the throne of grace and mercy. Maybe for some of you, another religion or spiritual comfort. Perhaps others take it to the lake or the beach for a family vacation. Spending time decompressing with exercise, leisure, hobbies, family time at home in the evenings. Wherever you find comfort, peace, and care, take advantage and often.

Adam Schittfuck (D) Resigns from CongressTomrrow!! 🚨 (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🍿 POPCORN 🍿
posted ago by Nehemiah ago by Nehemiah

I would like to express my thanks to the anon who red-pilled me on YouTube in 2018.

I was already partially awakened to the Swamp and familiar with rumblings about Q on 4chan, but a very carefully worded novel about Trump, Q, Patriots/military and a great awakening coming was posted in a non-politics-related-YouTube video comment section, and it gave me tremendous hope for our future.

Eventually, I escaped Reddit, was banned from YT, and landed here as a GAW lurker, then fully committed some time thereafter. Whoever you are, anon on YouTube six years ago, thank you. 🇺🇸

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