Thank you, everyone! This is most helpful group I belong to, honestly- just the best people! ❤ I just ordered the paste, but want to be prepared to actually use it. Lots of great suggestions. 🐴 Buttercup thanks you, too!
Yes, indeed! 🐴🐴🐴
In the most delightful way!
How did you know my horse's name is buttercup? ;)
Just a quick note/update. Cough and cold are both much better. Thanks to all.
Yes, thanks for asking. My teen has some cold symptoms and I want to act quickly ...just in case.
Yes... You are correct. 5k not 50k
Yeah, typo...5k not 50k yikes!!
Thanks everyone. My dad had cold like symptoms 3 mos ago and took the protocol listed 1st in this thread...and it worked great. I meant 5000 iu of D not 50k (I take 50k once per week too). My teenage kiddo just came down with cold symptoms (no fever at the moment just runny nose and cough) and want to act early. Thought it could be allergies but allergy medicine didn't help at all. Appreciate every one of you! Really and truly the best people are here!! And
No fireworks scheduled on Canadian or USA side of Niagara Falls.
Thank you...will check it out
Thank you! I will check it out! I actually took my kiddo to see Dr. N - we have seen some huge gains in her development since we began the protocol (kiddo is autistic). Also combined with vagus nerve stimulation - which has been shown to reduce inflammation as well. Something else for those who may have taken/have family who took the vaccine and are concerned. I really love this community - so many people with areas of expertise who are willing to share.
Not my skill set - but thought it might be helpful to someone who does -- I have seen a few people post on it over the past weeks.
It does not appear so. I can't say that it's related to any comms - but did read that recent analysis, so thought it might be worth mentioning for someone who has those skills :)
Sadly, the old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be many long years ago...🎶