All the mainstream News about reddit r/wallstreetbets is pushing silver is FAKE NEWS. (Yes the same Fake News Channels that called you terrorists promotes silver now)

Why they promote Silver? Citadel owns over 3million shares of the Silver TF. Pumping Silver only gives Citadel more money to fight back on the GME front. Everyone with an internet connection could go to r/wallstreetbets and check it for himself, it would cost him 2minutes. Yet millions fall for this sh*t and invest in it. This Fake News will make millions of people lose money while simultaneously fuel Citadels war chest against GME.

Edit: You buy physical Silver -> SLV goes up.


Hey all

I try to find the following email/text directly on wikileaks: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/3332286.html

No matter how I search I can not find it. Anyone can help me how to find it, or is this email just not real?



For the Infos presented in the video Fall Cabal, is there a collection to sources?

Like links to images, link to wikileaks, links to articles and so on that are used in the video?


When it comes to Trump I have a wild transition behind me! (and not an easy one) And when it comes to Q, well I bought popcorn because this is the best movie of the century so far - I just hope the ending will not disapoint.

I pray for you guys. And I wanted to say this will not just change the USA, it would change the world!

I want to believe, but Qs first post.. ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by Nex3 ago by Nex3

Hi all

I watched some Q proofs, and they are good. I also want to believe this stuff is true and the good guys wins.

However.. Qs first post says:

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

This did not happen. Why not? Is it in the end all just theatre?