I’ve asked this before and have gotten links to 8kun. I find it difficult to navigate that site. If someone could provide the organization below it would be appreciated. A friendly clinic in Calgary would also be helpful.


I don’t know where to turn. I’m going to lose my job in 10 days. My wife blames me and has turned on me. Everyone I know has gotten the Vax and is eager to throw those who haven’t under the bus (they’re not even approved here in Canada). I’m on the verge of losing everything. This truly is a nightmare.


Just curious if anyone here knows of any Dr’s prescribing prophylactics for covid.


Edit: Sorry for the bad title. I can’t change it.

This is also to make people think their covid shot will protect them from those viruses too (it won’t). People wouldn’t take the experimental mRNA shots if they knew it didn’t protect them from all of the new, more scary, viruses coming up.


This is a lesson some learn the hard way. Even in March 2020 the market for the two was drastically different. In a full economic collapse an exchange to trade in paper may be inaccessible, it may be confiscated by the government for the “national interest”, or the paper deemed flat out worthless if there’s fuckery by whoever is holding the metal.


I just got a call from my mom today. She was mildly sick a few days ago. Turns out my uncle got covid (confirmed) and she was exposed to him early in the week. She was freaking out and getting tested today. Here’s the gist of the conversation:

Her: “I just got tested, I’m worried I may have it”

Me: “Don’t you want a positive test? It would mean that you’ve overcome covid with virtually no problem. You can stop worrying, now you’re immune”

Her: “No, They say if you get it you can still catch it again”

Me: “you may be susceptible to other flu viruses, but the odds of getting covid-19 again are extremely slim. Plus, even if you did, your body seems to handle it with little effort. This would be great news”

Her: “No it wouldn’t! It’s still dangerous, I’m high risk”

For context, she’ll be the first one in line for a vax when it comes here because she thinks this rushed to market synthetic concoction will give her immunity, but exposure to and overcoming the actual virus would not. She just wants to be scared. This person literally paid for my science degree but won’t listen to any information that varies even slightly from the narrative. It’s tremendously sad. Please pray that she and the others wake up to these lies.


I’m not saying that Xi is a good guy. But, that doesn’t mean that him and Trump can’t have an understanding. A few points to consider:

  1. If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough it appears that China and the US have been ruled by the same masters. Having the option to shed them for more control would be in Xi’s best interest, especially if he thought Trump was going to ultimately win this battle.

  2. Despite its projected strength, China is in a dire situation. With the recent floods the country can’t feed itself. It’s a communist country that survives as a parasite on capitalist countries. The second that tap is turned off they will become a Cuba in a few short years. They know the US can ruin them in a heartbeat without firing a shot.

  3. The China virus was a bio weapon, but it was the shittiest one imaginable. Slightly more deadly than the average flu. I suspect the Cabal was expecting a brutal virus where people dropped dead in the streets (like we saw in the initial footage). This may be why they were downplaying it when they thought it was deadly and were crying xenophobia when Trump shut the borders. As soon as they realized what was going on they had to rush to inflate the death toll (covid in nursing homes, false positive tests, etc) to salvage what they could of the plan. 99% of the damage this pandemic had caused is from political decisions and not the actual virus.

To be clear, I’m not defending a China. They are a horrible and brutal communist regime. But it’s possible they’re working with Trump out of necessity and to save themselves. Also they may not be. This post is just to spitball ideas and have a discussion.