by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

You already said that. But it’s indicative that by cutting and pasting your answers here, that’s what you are doing in real life too - regurgitating your conditioning!

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. You are relying on faith in what you’ve been taught, i relying on FACTS. I’m sorry you are too dense, but thank you for making this do abundantly clear that it may prompt a lurker to look into it for themselves!

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been a travel agent. You can book travel there - to a slim area that they let you travel.

I didn’t realise you lacked reading comprehension - sorry for your disability! You can go to here is what Wikipedia says

“The Antarctic Treaty and related agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), regulate international relations with respect to Antarctica, Earth's only continent without a native human population. For the purposes of the treaty system, Antarctica is defined as all of the land and ice shelves south of 60°S latitude. The treaty entered into force in 1961 and currently has 54 parties.[2] The treaty sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation, and bans military activity on the continent. The treaty was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. Since September 2004, the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquarters has been located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.[3]”

If I’m a ‘maroon’, I shudder to think what hideous colour you are!

The moon is not reflecting light from the sun. No spherical object reflects light like that.. especially not a rock.

Maybe this will help crack your blind faith to fakery:

But I doubt it. You seem to love your programming so much that you angrily protect it! Ha. Weak. And boring.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is NO curvature. Your question is stupid and shallow! You are conditioned, and seemingly proud to be... its embarrassing tbh.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. Sorry you are too attached to your blind belief to know the truth about reality!

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just because someone doesn’t answer in the timeframe you think they should, doesn’t mean they don’t have an answer.

That’s your problem, you TRUST ‘other people’. That’s not science. That’s faith. Which I also have, but not in external authorities.

The way I see it is that I’ve conducted various tests to determine the truth, including mathematical tests for curvature, while you’ve hung your hat on a question about flight paths and can’t see beyond that... sad really.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

It’s a non-event to me. Why do you think it would take a week and a half? What do you not understand about ‘there is no curvature’? YOU have carried out zero tests, I have carried out multiple... in fact, you are your own gatekeeper to truth, by hanging your opinion on something as arbitrary as flight paths. Weak question, weak argument... just admit you don’t care for the truth about reality, you simply prefer to protect your core BELIEF.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your arrogant ignorance is laughable.

You BELIEVE, without any further investigation.

Why are there no photos - that aren’t composites - of your ball?

There are no ‘photos of the edge’, firstly because Antarctica is one of the most heavily guarded places on earth - are you unaware of the Antarctica treaty? There is no ‘edge’ to fall off, as the ‘edge’ is the dome walls... we are in an enclosed realm. What you believe - that earth’s atmosphere is magically separate from the ‘vacuum of space’ is indicative of how little thought you have actually given to your opinion... or rather your heliocentric conditioning.

Your dismissive tone is simply an aspect of your cognitive dissonance and I pity your weakness of mind and spirit.

You mention the shadow during a partial lunar eclipse, yet fail to explain why there is a straight line of shadow every single month when the moon is half full.

At the end of the day, I have vigorously tested my ‘opinions’ and am secure in my findings. There is NO curvature.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 1 point ago +1 / -0

What fits with REALITY is flat earth. I used the scientific method to test for curvature - have you? Or just regurgitating what you’ve been told is true?

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

I tested for curvature, there is none. We live on a flat plane.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. You can research it for yourself. You can test for curvature for yourself (like I, and many others, have done), and then you’ll KNOW it’s flat.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. I tested for curvature myself, because I want to know the truth. I researched various avenues for 2 years... it’s flat.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is flat.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s flat. Explain lack of parallax. Explain the properties of water always finding its level - impossible on a ball. Gravity is a theory. A THEORY.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 3 points ago +3 / -0

What about when the bible says the earth is like a seal? It’s flat, you are in ignorant denial.

by Evspra
NotTheMeanest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except it is flat. Because there’s no curvature. If you want to be an ignorant dumbass, fine. Q also said misinformation is necessary.

NotTheMeanest 4 points ago +4 / -0

THANK YOU!! Sooo many have not read all the drops, but just point out that ‘Hillary is not in jail’ or ‘is sessions activated’... if I remove all the predictions, dates and what not, I’m still left with an incredible amount of verifiable data - who owns what, what wife works where... Q filled in a LOT of holes to the puzzle!!