You guys, what happened? How does it come to be that a movement directed at having us think for ourselves has devolved into an echo-chamber of emotionally charged desires being masqueraded as absolute truth?

How is it that we continue to promote abstract connections as absolute reality, with a hivemind similar to that of Reddit? I understand that many of you want certain things to be true, but it really makes the movement look awful when a bunch of people tasked with thinking for themselves are still falling victim to group-think and emotional desire > logic and reason.

Why is it that these abstract connections are what starts conversation here? Do we really need to be engaged with Hopium? Are we really afraid of losing the people that traded one form of mental slavery for another - more than losing the ability to reach people that are capable of critical thought?

I know a lot of you will argue that the quantity of people here is more important than the quality of our message, but I'd beg to differ. When we promote stretches of the imagination that stem from emotion, I'd say that we are doing more harm than good. Who are we trying to reach here? People that already agree with us because they have an emotional investment in believing what is said here? Hmm.

I have seen posts get stickied where people take a Q post from years ago that referenced a specific article and somehow tie that into a tweet from someone else now about a different article - because the time stamps lined up. What purpose does this have? Why does everything have to be a hat-tip?

IF EVERYTHING has a double meaning depending on how your want to interpret it at that point in your life, then NOTHING has concrete meaning. We can do better than that.


So, Tom MacDonald often talks about how his haters give him energy, right?

He feeds on the energy of the PC babies. I propose that we go deep undercover on the internet and create posts where we complain about him.... take the music to the PC crowd and complain. They will promote him endlessly trying to get him cancelled, and your post will actually be able to stay up and maybe even trend.

It'll have a greater effect, because they can't help but to show it to other people so that they can be offended too which will inevitably bring more eyes to it. It'll get it to the people that we want to hear Tom - the impressionable sheep that conform to the SJW bs to be a part of what they perceive as the "majority."

It's a self-feeding cycle. What do you all think?


That is all




The comments seem to begin 4 years back, but I feel that's unrealistic considering it was one of the most prolific Reddit accounts to ever exist and the first to 1M karma.

It's also 14 years old and as many of you know, stopped posting about the same time she was arrested.

Did any of you ever find anything notable?


Alright, fellow Patriots.

Reddit is not a lost cause, and you should be there fighting the good fight.

Reddit does not check your email address before they allow you to create an account, they only ask that you validate it later for certain petty privileges.

You are perfectly capable of making five accounts all with nonexistent email accounts if you choose to. Further, you can build karma rather quickly by taking a photograph of an animal simply existing and posting it to r/aww. (Be careful not to photograph any identifying material) This keeps you from running into negative karma limitations site-wide, but won't protect you from the same limitations in specific subs.

For that, you'll have to do your best to blend a little bit. Redditors love witty things with a dash of sass thrown in. Use your imagination. Sub to a few of the larger subreddits, sort by new, and throw little quips out there... (+if you mention Harry Potter, Keanu Reeves, or Bernie Sanders in a positive light)

It has also been brought to my attention by CheshireCatsTail that if you comment on subs like r/conspiracy, some subs automatically bar you from posting in their subs.

User: ThomasMaker has also contributed this additional tip: Use Epic Privacy Browser, it comes with built in free VPN's sorted by geo-location....That way any additional accounts you create can't be tied to your IP.....

We need some of you out there affecting change on the front lines! This is an information war, and Reddit is trying to corner the youngest generation. Approach them with logic and reason. They will try to flare your emotions to derail you, but you cannot let them do this - rather, you should point out their emotional control tactic and shame them for it. Expect the downvotes. Love the downvotes.

The downvotes help you end up in the "controversial" filter on the comments, which only benefits our cause. Rinse, repeat. Viola! Give 'em hell, boys and girls.


Thank you to whoever helped coordinate the cleanup here!

I'm so pleased to see information flowing like a river again.

I love you all! WWG1WGA!


Q taught many to think for themselves. The emphasis on thinking for oneself was probably the most important thing that Q communicated to us. I'm not going to make too many friends here, but I have to tell you guys the truth.

Q4535 is probably the most important Q drop, in my opinion. It's a lengthy one, so you'll have to look it up. It's not the first of it's kind, but rather one of many drops just like it. Many of you are too busy looking through the necessary disinformation to understand the greater point. Nothing can stop what's coming because too many of us are awake now. Too many of us see the reality, and I'm not talking about the fantasy world in which literally everything you desire is connected and going to happen and yet somehow it doesn't.

I'm talking about the truth. The truth that our politicians are bought and paid for, the truth that there are structures in place that are based around our human nature that keep us enslaved by our own choice.

We CHOOSE to continue eating toxic chemicals that don't necessarily harm us, by may have disastrous consequences on any children that we may have.

We CHOOSE to keep voting for politicians that we can only assume are sleazebags.

We CHOOSE to keep watching television, and refreshing this website instead of getting out in our communities and enacting actual change.

We CHOOSE to keep trusting OTHER PEOPLE to do our research for us, so that we have time to enjoy our bread and circus, which for many of us has become reading the theories of others.. After all, we all have to work. Your time is better spent rotting your brain and fomenting hate for this world, or is it?

Would you like to know the truth?

The truth is that we don't know anything, and it's probably very apparent to many of you, now. We trusted someone else to tell us what is happening and when, and we're all scratching our heads and praying for a miracle!

..... but the miracle is inside of you! God is inside of you! & God wins!

Your mission is to go out and question everything, and by God I mean everything - until you understand that the dam of lies that we have been fed is a mile high - all based around your emotions and passion and all designed to control you from all sides. When you see what you'll inevitably see, you'll understand that the plan was very simple.

The plan was to start a virus of sort. A virus of free-thinking individuals that understand the nature of things and thus cannot be manipulated by typical society-maintaining methods that require you to be unaware of how your emotions influence you. To the powers of this world, a free thinking individual is beyond re-education.

Attempts to scrub these people out of society will not go unnoticed by the sheep. The Streisand effect is real and -also- plays on our human nature to understand the truth.

They'll compare the fruits of this illegitimate administration to the fruits of the previous and what they'll see will be night and day. Dark right next to light.

Q played on your emotions to gain traction, knowing surely that eventually Anons would learn through disappointment, that which is the truth. It was the only way. You'd have never paid as much attention if the plan was to enact grassroots change through ballot initiatives and class action lawsuits. They had to tell you that they had it all under control because you wouldn't have listened if they didn't.

You needed a movie to watch. Something to get emotionally attached to, only to have it ripped away and for you to be left with nothing - so that you'd understand that you had everything all along. You had more than you knew, but you had to be shown rather than told.

So go out there and question everything. Don't drive people away talking about satanic pedophiles and the likes, even though it is true that some participate in those things while most in the circle simply know about it and don't come forward out of fear for their creature comforts or even their life.

Remember that all of existence exists in the present, and it is the only thing that matters. The past and the future are intangible concepts that people created to separate different instances of the present to serve as a reference and a drawing board going forward. You can enact change right now, and you can change the "future" by nonviolent means, but you won't do it sitting here and talking amongst yourselves about what "the plan" is, or trying to find Q proofs this late in the game.

We need to UNITE THE PEOPLE, people..

Not behind a man that was intentionally made the be the most dividing figure in the world, and not behind what we hope and believe is the truth, but rather what we know is the truth.

I love you all. I hope I can help to give some of you some hope during these tumultuous times. I'm not here to sell you some hopium about some covert plan, as much as I would love for there to be one - like a Hollywood movie.

Whether or not there are any happenings in the future, this is a ripening phase for Anons worldwide. You have more than you know. Check out Q4535 and get to work thinking about how you can change your own communities for the better!

Peace to all of God's children.


There is obviously a brigade of shills posting intentionally poor "observations" related to the letter Q or sometimes nothing at all in order to create a false perception for the new visitors that this site is made up of people who's confirmation bias is borderline schizophrenic in nature.

They're upvoting each other. Fight with truth and logic, friends.