"Children, in order to recognize Satan's activity in your life, you must be close to My Commandments.* Everything Satan is about is in opposition to My Commandments. His suggestions and activities in your life are generally masked in something that appeals to you. Underneath his seemingly innocent suggestions lies his real purpose - his evil plans. If you do not exercise discernment, you will not see his evil plots in your life."

"Satan's most effective weapon is to convince people that he does not exist, or that if he does exist, he certainly isn't influencing them. Let Me assure you that the Evil One is concerned with destroying each soul's salvation. Do not be so naΓ―ve that you do not comprehend this. Satan works in hidden ways to withhold salvation from everyone. His own salvation is lost. He consequently wants no soul to be saved."

"If you comprehend this, you have accepted a strong weapon against Satan."

Read Ephesians 6:10-17 + Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having fastened the belt of Truth around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the Evil One. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Public Message given Jan. 13th 2022 by God the Father www.holylove.org


MOSSAD is large, well funded and extremely good--i.e., in a technical sense, I am not approving of 'modern intel' methods in general--at what they do. It is certainly possible that Epstein has at least some connection to one of the world's most influential spy agencies.

Without seeking to wade into a hornet's nest--for or against Israel--I would simply caution Patriots to exercise a bit of logic. The US has both the CIA and the FBI, both of which are thoroughly corrupt. In fact, most of the sources I follow suggest quite strongly that the Deep State IS the global Intel apparatus. Does the fact that the CIA is thoroughly corrupted, to the extent of trying to take down President Trump etc. make America an evil nation? The former head of the CIA, who has not been heard from in some time, was instrumental in organizing the abduction ring of young boys for a life of sex slavery. As a sick pervert, he used this to gain leverage on global politicos. By extension, are all American Patriots thus guilty of this same crime? Are we here all guilty of the abduction and trafficking of children? Of course not.

In like fashion, Mossad is a large, well funded and highly competent Intel agency. If they are truly as evil as our own CIA or the 5 Eyes by extension, that reveals nothing about Israel. It says a lot however about intel agencies in general, and the extent to which they have lost their way in the world and need to be revamped. One issue is that the world is divided into camps, and the Intel agencies have morphed into small groups, with no one agency acting in complete isolation. Thus, Epstein may have started out MOSSAD but ended up working for global intel, as his evil operation gained momentum and status among higher ups.

Food for thought. Please try to separate your personal (pro vs. con) views of Israel and the Jewish people and focus upon logic. Thanks!


Many commenters are upset that Trump has not forcefully denounced Fauci and the vaccines.

I think the reason is self-evident.

The propaganda media have always been the real threat and enemy to the President and the American people.

If Trump declared the vaccines to be unsafe, we would still be under a complete government shutdown.

By making a war time decision, he forced the enemy to play their cards earlier than they wanted, and in the process, the hypocrisy and lies of big pharma have been exposed.

Trump made everyone aware of the therapeutics that work to treat Covid-19 starting back in March 2020.

Did you listen? Is their any lack of information out there for you to make an informed decision now that we've identified the propagandists?

Everyone with a brain knows that Ivermectin and HCQ work to treat COVID-19 and that the experimental vaccines are unnecessary.

You have been awakened and see the propaganda machine for what it is.

We the People are sovereign. We the People believe in choice and personal responsibility. Let's act like it.

Trump does not, and should not, supply your thinking on what I or you put into our bodies.

Trump made the only decision he could make. A costly one, yes. But the only decision, nonetheless.

Trump is a genius.


Fellow Patriots;

The following comments apply only to the minority--not the majority. However, to avoid having to repeat this multiple times on an individual basis, the following general clarification is offered for the benefit of everyone. I hope it is helpful.

I remember once not too long ago when I joined a running club in a major US city. There were runners at all different levels, from very fast to very slow. The fastest runners were not responsible for those much slower. Their example encouraged others to become faster. That was enough.

The same principle applies here. Polite requests for clarification/sauce etc. are fine. Demands are not. What is obvious to one person may not be at all clear to someone else. That is a part of life. It's not an insult though apparently some insist upon taking it that way. There is NO guarantee we will all "see" the same things, nor do we have to.

Skip posts you don't like or understand. Simple. Do NOT criticize others who are sincerely trying to help others with what they believe to be valuable information. Be grateful we all have a common place to share. (Naturally some posts will appeal to you more than others. That is to be expected).

However, do NOT ask/expect others to do your homework, simply because you do not "see" it. (All my posts are based upon open source info. and can be found, assuming you want to look. That is up to you). There is no guarantee we will all see the same things at the same time. Nor do we all value the same information equally. What I find interesting you may not. Stop comparing.

I hope that this post is not offensive to those for whom it is NOT intended. At the same time, I hope those for whom it is clearly necessary will understand the minimal expectations as a member of the GA.

Thank you!


Anons are understandably upset if not confused re. the supposed defection (slip of the tongue?) of otherwise Tried and True Patriot Ted Cruz. What are we witnessing? Recognize that Narratives have a cycle.

  1. The J6 narrative is an attack on White Hats (unmistakably clear)
  2. But have you noticed that the CABAL is being fairly tight lipped about accusations re. J6 protestors. They are trying to tar and feather Trump, yes of course. But the J6 protestors--there is a lot of silence, as if they were simply pawns.
  3. Why the reticence? Why not go public with their accusations? (Even the activities of the sham committee are fairly private). This is all by design.
  4. Silence--i.e., lack of transparency re. an argument that is EXTREMELY weak if not baseless--is intended to prolong the attack. Without airing accusations, the public has no opportunity to recognize they are shams.
  5. So what is the White Hat response? Ted Cruz, a confirmed Patriot of unmistakable colors, PUBLICLY airs the charges: J6 protestors are "terrorists." He was chosen as he attracts large audiences, while the controversy generated sells.
  6. Why? Because airing a baseless grievance makes it possible to CLEAN THE NARRATIVE publicly. Tucker dunks on Cruz--or at least that's what we see.
  7. In reality, the ploy was designed to EXPOSE the sham by opening the windows, letting the cleansing sunlight into a dark filthy room.
  8. The SHAM NARRATIVE has now been debunked publicly. Black Hats did not want this. But it happened.
  9. What about Ted Cruz? He will have a valiant role in this play. White Hats will cheer him once again.
    Always remember, you are watching a PLAY. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. (Another way of saying that everything that transpires is by design).

I sense that White Hats are working hard at present to simulate internal division, part of which requires a varied narrative. When a missile locks onto target, a plane (or ship) may send out decoys (shrapnel, flares etc.) to distract the incoming threat, so it ends up destroying itself.

There is value in being unpredictable. Just ask AOC. It increases the difficulty of "locking onto target." Consider recent squabbles that do not appear to make a lot of sense:

  1. Lin Wood vs. Gen. Flynn
  2. Lin vs. Kyle
  3. Trump on the vax (while this is likely multi-dimensional it plays here as well)
  4. Lin vs. MTG (a "communist" no less!)
  5. Now Cruz comes out and claims to support the "police" re. J6. (My guess is he is setting the stage for his next confrontation with the real coup-man AG Garland).

There are many more potential examples out there. However, the point is that all of these makes it increasingly difficult for the enemy to pin us down. When there is NO variation among White Hats, it is very easy for the MSM to pin a narrative. Being one-dimensional while employing a monotone is a likely death sentence in politics (unless of course you are a Liberal and get the full support of evil).

Trump employed this strategy frequently in the WH. He would bring in individuals just to generate controversy, fire them, and use the attention created to deflect against potentially more damaging incoming attacks. Similar to controlled opposition (Alex Jones & the Radical Left), the effect is to achieve a degree of control over the incoming attack, where before there was none.

The Party of Peace? AG Garland seems to think so.... (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST πŸ’©
posted ago by NotoriousBIG ago by NotoriousBIG
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