I understand how we can change the ways of the West and move the needle slowly in our favor and route out the corruption here in the USA and in Europe. But how do we get to the point where we change China with all its millions of brainwashed people. The people in the East think completely different than people in the West do. Are we just waiting for the people of China to clean up it themselves?
I completely understand why the content has mostly changed and why it has needed to change for the current part of the Q ops. Its mostly based on this sites growing number of users that aren't willing to dive as deep into issues that are too far out of their comfort bubble. But I miss the days when this site felt like a completely different site from The Donald.win. These too sites are almost the same now other than maybe just Q drops. In the past this site had much more about hidden ops, lost / hidden history, mysteries, theories, religion / higher consciousness, other worlds and dimensions and beings. Call me crazy all you like I don't mind, but I really miss digging into all the odd stuff or non mainstream thought without scrolling through page after page of election news and mainstream politics.
If the Deep State Democrats cheat their way to victory in the November midterms, President Donald J. Trump will implore the U.S. military to trigger the Emergency Alert System (EAS), White Hat sources told Real Raw News.
The EAS, formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System, was established in 1963 to alert Americans in time of war and was in later years expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at state and local levels. Until recently, the nation’s most contemptible police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had control of the EAS—until the White Hat partition of the U.S. military seized it during a brazen assault on FEMA’s Mount Weather stronghold last March. When activated, the EAS, in brief, overrides local and cable broadcasts and transmits an audio tone and a text message to cellular phones. It is somewhat similar to but more powerful than the Amber Alert System and the National Weather Service’s severe weather notification system.
Over the last few months, President Trump and White Hats have disagreed on when exactly the EAS should be activated. For example: When the FBI raided and occupied Mar-a-Lago, Trump beseeched Marine Corps General David H. Berger to spin up the EAS, saying the nation was under siege. But Gen. Berger, having consulted his team, argued that an isolated incident, though unlawful and unconstitutional, should not constitute a national crisis. Had the FBI raided Trump’s other properties, or illegally detained Trump, he would have considered engaging the EAS. Trump had ultimately concurred with Gen. Berger’s assessment, saying that prematurely triggering the EAS could backfire and play into the Deep State’s hands.
Nonetheless, Trump said the military must use the EAS if the Deep State steals the midterms, for the results will affect the 2024 presidential election.
Gen. Berger had no issue with that.
If the Deep State sweeps hotly contested senate, state, and regional races, a chain of events will take place: once victors are announced, U.S. Army Cyber Command and U.S.M.C. Forces Cyberspace Command will conduct an independent investigation. They will evaluate not only the Senate and House of Representatives, but also analyze gubernatorial and mayoral races. Even county judge results could face intense scrutinization. The joint cyber command force will also look to see if illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities had cast ballots.
Then, if election theft is proven, White Hats will switch on the EAS. An image of the U.S. flag flown upside down will appear on cell phones and televisions across the nation. Patriots should recognize this as a sign of national distress. Sources told Real Raw News this should not be interpreted as an immediate call to arms, as the military does not want citizens caught in the crossfire when it storms state and federal buildings and drags treasonous officials into the streets, in chains.
“This won’t be time for a civilian uprising,” a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told RRN. “We want all patriots to hang their flags upside down, to spread the word, not get themselves killed. We have people who have been training for this day for a very, very long time. If things go south and we need patriot assistance, we will send out a follow up message explicitly stating that. Otherwise, we don’t want to see the Wild West in America’s streets.”
In addition, White Hats wish patriots would stop posting selfies of themselves and their firearms on social media.
“People who do this are inviting the ATF to knock at their door. It’s problematic. Yes, we all have First and Second Amendment rights, but now is not the time to invite trouble. If we eventually need help, and I emphasize the word “if,” we won’t have it people have had their firearms confiscated,” our source said.
I understand post production but seems unreasonable the amount of projects that have happened and are still happening with this man since this post.
How much longer is your team going to harass me? Wtf do you still want from me? Let it go, walk away. I don't want anything you have to offer anymore because of how you all act.
Which one makes us all closer to being one?