Nurikee 14 points ago +14 / -0

Why doesnt Amazon have any liability for the products it sells but a store like Target does have liability for all products on its shelves?

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why China forces 100% of all American companies to be ran by a 3rd party Chinese company and to give up all blue prints and tech. Even Chinas 2 Disneyland parks arent owned by Disney. Disney gave up all their ride and show tech and blueprints and paid to make the parks and only receives a % of the profit from the Chinese parks. We need to protect America. Be sad all you like.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

illegals and criminals can own property and still pay those same taxes.

Nurikee 3 points ago +3 / -0

the next eclipse wont be till Aug. 23, 2044. So for many it might very well be their last.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

7 years apart 7x salem cities (old name of Jerusalem) in 2017, 7x nineveh cities (Aramaic for Fish) inn 2024.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its not about the music you like its about music that people 18-25 like and giving the video energy that the Tik Tok ADHD brains want to hear to get hyped. The Warthog video has Mötley Crüe, its about a sense of energy and emotion. The Military needs a cool factor again its lost that with the younger generations.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

This video is the type of Tik Tok Videos the Army needs. Look I know the we don't like Tik Tok, but its where the youth is. Tik Tok should be flooded with quick action packed videos like 30 - 60 seconds long. Just highlight action shots, show aircraft, show battleships firing, show EOD, show military dogs jumping out of helichoppers, show SOCOM ops, show tanks. Just focus on action and cool factor like you are promoting a video game. I know Im going to get some old timers here saying "yeah promote honor, duty, brotherhood" do that with a different campaign. The ads the military puts out are super lame and miss the mark of where the youth are now.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldnt it be INSCOM vs CIA and FBI?

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The site has real life photos on it too. and Deviantart.com make money from the sale of photos and art images on the site. Its a bigger problem than it seems it also may not be real images when its art but its a breading ground for would be pedos. They get hooked on the art then go looking for the real thing.

Nurikee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Amazon.com is a HUGE problem that no one seems to care about. Not only does it takes away from local business and brick and mortar stores it 1. creates a huge amount of trash with all the shipping and packing 2. cuts down more trees with all the cardboard it uses to ship boxes 3. Amazon isnt liable for its products and should be held to the same standard as Walmart or any store, which are liable for products on their shelves because they place "the product into the stream of commerce."

Nurikee 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Ferrari can sue owners for posing in front of their cars on social media for "tarnishing the brand's reputation" and win I think its a pretty easy case for Lego to win.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

The looking Glass Spies, tapping into divine consciousness, Aliens working with Q(military) that can "time travel" and read minds. Things can appear as crazy nonsense until they are widely known. Keep in mind the CIA has documents released by FOIA that have been out many years talking about these things. We on Earth are just ants on a hill to the ones who watch us.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

mods had a problem with somthing i posted because"Christians and minors visit the site "yet mods have no issue with this post being stickyed with this person twitter profile picture. You mods are all over the place, /rolleyes.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went on a pure vegetable, water, beans, nuts only diet for 6 months it cleared up many health issues, I lost weight and I felt pretty good. Biggest issues are getting enough iron and protein, but you can just eat some fish, eggs, or meat every once and a while. Processed foods, refined Carbs and Sugar are whats killing us.

Nurikee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why don't we require pesticides, pink slime, and other hidden agents to be clearly labeled on our food.

Nurikee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who needs to take over a country by physical means when you can set up a means of control it through financial domination, debt and through corruption and crony capitalism. This is how Ukraine is bought paid for and controlled. This is how the elite gain power and wealth through hidden means, its all planned out who will benefit from these types of conflicts.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Granted this is the aftermath where Im sure everyone dropped what they were holding to run but they are football fans, just look at how they leave the stadiums. Not to mention how people leave movie theaters. People lack respect for others and our world. I've seen videos in Japan the fans will all stay after and help clean up the stands.

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