So...with all due respect FUCK HOPIUM

Funny Stuff (
posted ago by Nyarlath0tep ago by Nyarlath0tep
It's that easy (
posted ago by Nyarlath0tep ago by Nyarlath0tep

Well, looks like the democrat's Hail Mary play to get Harris (the least voted for Dem candidate in the primary and universally despised by both dems and reps) into the White House, along with the extreme left/Marxist wing of the party has succeeded. Biden will resigned in favor of Harris within the first year, mark my words and Harris will most likely select one of the 'Squad' as VP. Welcome to Clown World!


House has just reached threshold to impeach Trump Enough lawmakers have cast votes to impeach President Trump again in a historic first. The impeachment resolution charges Trump with a single article, "incitement of insurrection," for his role in last week's deadly Capitol riot.

Roger Stone just confirmed that the insurrection act has NOT been signed and Trump has no plan on signing it. He also mentioned that Trump does NOT have any plan to de-classify anything and will honor a peaceful transition. Roger Stone mentioned that everything people are posting is fake and nothing will happen. Given RS's closeness to POTUS and the absence of any denials of the JCS released statement of support for an orderly transition to a Biden administration, Quod Erat Demostrandum.

The JCS have confirmed a joint statement confirming Biden's election. This has been verified by all public media channels including and was not denied by the JCSs , as it would've been if it was a fabrication. McConnell just threw POTUS under the bus in a statement as well. Get ready to make lemonade with the lemons we've been given.


Much ado about N O T H I N G


In a highly unusual move, American diplomats have drafted two cables condemning President Donald Trump’s incitement of the deadly assault on the Capitol. Using what is known as the State Department’s “dissent channel,” the career foreign service officers said they fear Wednesday’s siege may badly undermine U.S. credibility to promote and defend democratic values abroad.

“It is essential that the Department of State explicitly denounce President Trump’s role in this violent attack on the U.S. government,”said the first of the two cables, which added that the president’s own comments should not be used “as he is not a credible voice on this matter.” “Just as we routinely denounce foreign leaders who use violence and intimidation to interfere in peaceful democratic processes and override the will of their voters, the department’s public statements about this episode should also mention President Trump by name. It is critical that we communicate to the world that in our system, no one — not even the president — is above the law or immune from public criticism.” “This would be a first step towards repairing the damage to our international credibility,” it said. “It would allow the beacon of democracy to shine on despite this dark episode. It would also send a strong message to our friends and adversaries that the Department of State applies an ethos of integrity and objective standards when it condemns assaults on democracy at home or abroad.”

The second cable goes further, demanding that Pompeo explicitly recognize President-elect Joe Biden’s election and condemn Trump’s actions. It also said Pompeo should support any effort by Vice President Mike Pence and other Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.