Curious to know. What happens if the budget expires on Nov 17th and we still don’t have an elected SOTH? Is is game over?


Can they be passed to the unvaccinated through a cough, spit, semen, bodily fluid or any other means other than a jab. Just curious.

Might Kyle be the (new) “shot” heard round the world? His verdict will be out soon. Either way, things will never be the same. Help others, stand strong, stand firm, be prepared and protect what is yours. Be a Kyle!!

Communist China owns Biden and is directing the Deep State as to how to manage the Afghanistan fiasco. I mean, one could not accidentally fuck it up this bad. This is planned and on purpose.

It is apparent that China owns Biden and is directing the Deep State in the Afghanistan affair. Why else would it go down like this? I mean a total fuck up would not be as bad as this. This is planned and on purpose.