One of the casualties of the last election cycle was a near forty year friendship that blew up rather spectacularly a few months before November. Insults were given (I held my temper and only received), and when I tried to resolve it a few months later, I was rebuffed.

At some point, I began the mourning process, but underneath the grief was also ANGER. I had told myself that when tempers cooled, we could work things through.

It’s now been almost a year. I’ve written several emails that I never sent, and finally tonight picked up the phone.

I very politely explained our friendship hadn’t ended over politics, but over the insults. I was asked why I had waited to bring this up all of these months later, and I pointed out I had tried to resolve it with a “we need to talk” email that had been responded to once with “not now” and never brought up again.

My friend tried to focus on political concerns. I returned the conversation to the insults and attacks on my character. My friend said he didn’t want to talk anymore, and I ended the conversation with “and that is why we aren’t friends anymore” as I hung up the phone.

I feel so much better. It’s like a weight has been lifted. Having someone attack my character in order to minimize my credibility is not what friends do, and while I believe in the value of forgiveness, I don’t need to subject myself to that level of abuse.

Loyalty is important; attacking my integrity is not the actions of a loyal friend.

Cutting the ties that bind should not have been that simple. I wonder why I waited so long to do it?


Was just publicly accused of being a racist because I refuse to judge people by the color of their skin, and bluntly stated you can’t shoot at police officers.

My accuser was highly offended, and now I need to deal with the person in charge who wants to know why I made such offensive statements.

I am still rather bemused that stating “shooting at police officers is bad” is considered a racist belief, but crazy town has gotten to this point, and I need to figure out my next steps. I need patience. I need wisdom. And I might also need an attorney for the slander suit.

Was I slandered? Is being publicly called a racist an actual bad thing anymore?


WTF is going on?


I am not someone who is important except to my family and some friends. We are not wealthy. Do I trust the plan, sit down and shut up? Or does the plan involve people like myself “stepping up to help”?

I do not want my loved ones in danger. One has expressed concern over possibly losing their job if I do this and it gets actual exposure, with concerns about supporting children.

I am not young anymore. I worked the election in Michigan (my people obeyed the law) and think I can communicate why what happened in Detroit was such an egregious act. But is there any point to putting in the amount of effort of “doing a video” along with the targeting of not just myself, but my loved ones?

I grieve that “free speech” has been eroded to this point. Thoughts welcome.


Small time random crooks or organized criminal cabal?


Guess which I think is more logical?


We know these things to be true:

  • innocents around the world are victimized by human trafficking;

  • politicians are working for themselves instead of their country;

  • corruption in trusted institutions has become systemic;

  • laws are not enforced equally (“for thee, but not me”); and

  • war is a racket for rich people.

To believe in Q is to believe that “someone” with legitimate authority has seen the cries of a proud people, and is going to help fix these problems. It is a belief that those who get away with treason, corruption and crimes against humanity will be held to account in this world, and the innocent victims freed from their shackles.

Even as we mourn the loss of our hope in this justice occurring before we suffer more, there are victims crying quietly as they suffer another night of torture and torment. We know they are there, and we do not know how to help them, but as we suffer our disappointment, let us remember those who have it worse.

We know there is evil, and we had hoped for deliverance. We grieve the loss of that hope on this day, and the sadness that comes with those who still suffer.

There shall be no peace or unity in this country until justice arrives. In the meantime, we will endure, and never forget the suffering of the nameless ones.

They have been waiting too long, and so have we.


ON EDIT: Yup, I’m gullible. Apparently this is a fake account. (Or maybe not? Account currently has over 100k followers. Who knows anymore? Lol!) Leaving it here so others don’t fall for it - one of the trusted accounts linked to it, and has since deleted that link. APOLOGIES. (And now another says it is legit - argh!) I will periodically add his updates as the day progresses.

2:15 am Emergency Broadcasting System.

2:16 am Day 0.

2:40 am The president is safe.

2:53 am They all know what's coming. [DS]

3:44 am Get ready.

3:57 am The whole world will hear it.

5:02 am Light.


5:25 am Help will be provided.

5:44 am The account is maintained by me. - genhyten ?

5:48 am By the people, for the people.

6:13 am Information warfare.


7:07 am Freedom of information [truth] = END

7:08 am Remember.

7:26 am Digital Battlefield.

7:36 am United we stand. Divided we fall.

7:40 am (photo of troops modified to black-and-white from two years ago in a Lithuanian newspaper?)

7:55 am Pray for those that are putting their lives on the line for others.

8:10 am Nothing can stop this.

8:40 am They can no longer hide in the shadows.

8:55 am One step closer...

9:01 am Last hours..

9:21 am The Great Awakening.

9:37 am STORM.

9:39 am We're in this together PATRIOTS.

10:11 am Stay in your homes. (photo of troops at a fence)

10:45 am It'll be over soon. [TRUTH] (photo of President Trump with him being surrounded by “enemies of truth”)

11:55 am Operation Mockingbird.

11:57 am Sit back and enjoy the show.


I tried this approach today, and it seemed to work.

“You know how we have people who do human trafficking? Well, apparently they are not all small mom-and-pop operations - they are run like pyramid schemes, with people up the chain getting super rich off of selling human beings, including children. They also make money when we have wars because they sell weapons and it provides cover for trafficking in children because dead people don’t report their children missing. President Trump is going after these people, and they don’t like it.”

Summary: human trafficking is not a mom-and-pop local business, stopping wars is not good for weapons dealers, and bad people make a ton of money off it.

I know China has to be explained, but I needed a start because this stuff gets complicated quickly. Thoughts?