Note the comment at about mark 11:50 "he has joined us on our mission for answers" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IOvz5pMsBA


Who does the media hate more than Bannon? Tucker Carlson. They should air his interviews and do it with a split screen where Tucker can comment or add content.


I live in farm country. When you find a skunk in your barn you do not corner it. You open up a back door and chase it out.
When it comes to McConnell, he has done some good things for the Republican party. He is stepping down in November. Leave him a back door or he may piss on you. Let's don't turn him into a McCain


This clause gives Biden the right to close the border. There is absolutely no need for new laws. https://myattorneyusa.com/scope-and-history-of-section-212f-presidential-authority-to-suspendrestrict-entry-by-proclamation


Kari Lake put her audio recording out of an election official trying to facilitate a bribe to keep her off the ballot. Representative Matt Rosendale was on Real America's Voice channel today telling his story of the trail of people within the DC swamp offering him bribes to get out of town in 2022 race. It's time the honest lawmakers in DC come out and tell the American people their stories of bribery, intimidation and even coercion in the DC swamp. It might be the eye opener some low information voters need to hear.


I posted this some time ago but felt maybe some of our newer frens might like it. It's short and to the point. https://www.prageru.com/video/whats-wrong-with-wind-and-solar


I remember a family member in the metal business telling us this was a demolition. We all thought he was crazy until we watched a video of the engineers and architects weighing in with their evidence. We knew within 10 minutes that our family member was right. Edit: founder. https://www.c-span.org/video/?320748-5/architects-engineers-911-truth


The average age of the 16 electors is 72. This means they are messing with the Republicans who have been in the trenches for a long time. They were most probably precinct committeemen, deputy registrars, maybe office holders, get out the vote staffers, door knockers etc. etc. etc. The deep state creepy people who thought they could intimidate Trump supporters are about to run into 16 buzz saws. These people are the steel spine folk of our party. Although my heart is broken for these electors, I'm going to enjoy one of the best boomerangs ever.


I wish I could Meme. Is there anyone out there that could put one together showing JB standing next to an advisor with a huge long line of men in front of him? Joe says to his advisor "are those my supporters waiting to meet me"? The advisor says, "no, those are the dads of all of the children you have sniffed or touched inappropriately".


There is still time to stop these fraudsters. https://captainconvey.com/


Ron probably won't know what hit him when the people who encouraged/funded his campaign call in their chips. https://newrepublic.com/post/172213/far-right-blaming-paul-ryan-tucker-carlson-exit


Tucker Carlson has a video on RAV saying to Fox News basically, up your gidiigi with a meat hook.


Retired Colonel Derek Harvey just announced Susan Rice is "stepping down". Stepping down from what? Oh yeah, running the white house. I'm wondering if something is about to drop.


Look at #53. Ask yourself, "If I was running for office, would Wikipedia need to edit something 408 times to make me look electable?" https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/08/11/kamala-harris-vp-background-bio-biden-running-mate-2020-393885


Michael Avanati, darling of the left, turned out to be a thief and grifter. Andrew Cuomo stepped down under pressure from sexual harassment allegations and made terrible decisions sending seniors with covid 19 back into their nursing homes. Gavin Newsom and his wife have made (questionable at best) sex-ed videos that 5,000 schools in the US are playing. Pete Buttigieg, in charge of transportation, does not seem interested in a train derailment in Ohio that was so poorly handled that the streams are now filled with toxic chemicals. Who is left in their bullpen? Oh yeah, Hillary and Kamala. Nothing to see there right?


Something tells me Gavin may have trouble running for president. https://www.openthebooks.com/

Ok, even though it's 6 years later, HERE IT COMES!!!! NCSWIC!!!!


Lord let these be the trumpets we have been waiting to hear.

Is anyone having trouble viewing The War Room? It is freezing up on both Roku and Gettr.

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