Anyone else had success with these. I was very put off by the cost, but after trying one a church friend had I was sold. And he needed it back! Lol, I felt bad when I find that some of his back pain had returned while I was using it.

I ended up getting 2, much to the disappointment of my kids 😬. But even they now recognize the difference it's made for my arthritis and other joint pain. One of them is not really getting into Alex Jones and considering getting one of the smaller generators for himself.

Anyone here have similar stories? I definitely was not a believer at first, interesting the ways god's love can come into our lives!

Why!? Because of what's being allowed to happen. Some days I get discouraged as I read about the sick things that are being literally shoved down our throats. But I remember that if the Lord is allowing all of this to transpire, the payoff and benefits to humanity in the long run must be massive!!

Think of WW2, millions had to die for people of the world to realign themselves with God, and for countries to move back towards governing with biblical values

Think of how many children are being trafficked for the chemicals in their blood, the homosexuality and worse that's killing millions, the millions of Americans and others under communist reign.

Whatever is coming, it's going to blow all of us away!!! I think we'll see that, if anything, we haven't done enough to deserve it, much less, complain about the hardships we have been dealing with under Brandon's and Hussein's "rule".

So happy our president is still out there fighting for us. Bring on the military any day now!!!! We patroits are ready!!!