there are 6 f-16's over Belgium.,400c8b,40542a,40736b,40738d,407607,407931,43c6be,43caed,44f107,44f141,44f189
Im just going to throw this out here, but maybe the military doesn't have all the pieces and that by allowing the inauguration (which could be fake or invalid) they get the enemy to expose themselves further which allows them to drain the swamp completely?.
Stay strong guys and trust in the plan, don't give up on Q.
Lol. I posted that to ask others if it was legit and is actually related to Q news, when i found out it wasn't what it was claimed I deleted it.
things are heating up right now, we will have more and more news coming in but for every post we get that is news or related to solving q posts we get 5 from children like you that think this is social media platform with nothing to add than memes and "look at me" posts and that is without the shills.
you always have DTW, they lap that shit up and you can leave the rest of us to actually contribute in some meaningful way that doesn't detract from what we are trying to achieve.
sure go through my history and try to slag me off, it dont look like you have much else to do.
Congrats!, we had a thread the other day talking about names that start with Q, my fav was Quest.
Your not wrong about the next couple of days it really feels like its building up and the media look like they are on the ropes with what is coming out (or not). this is the video of him talking.,43c208 could you explain that for me mate?