I was banned for warning people that complying with tyrants would end in the Democide those tyrants have planned. Clif High got banned at almost exactly the same time, but he says he doesn’t even know why.
I just started doing this 3 days ago. My entire family has never slept better. I convinced a co-worker to try it last night, and she had the same experience. Normally she’s up 2-3 times a night (as is my own wife), but last night, she slept through the whole night for the first time in recent memory. And for the first time ever, her husband was still sleeping soundly when she left for work today. I have never felt better rested or more energized than I do today.
If you live in an apartment complex, see if you can convince your neighbors to do it too. Give it a shot! You might be just as surprised as I am.
Edit: it makes sense when you think about it. Our bodies and especially our brains are electromagnetic machines. A bunch of extra signals bombarding us is bound to have some sort of effect!
I was looking for the well known stat from the CDC that showed 800,000 to 2.5 million (or more) defensive uses of guns in America annually, only to find they’ve scrubbed it. Do any of you fine frens have a link to the archive?
They forgot they were supposed to keep this one alive. Whoops!
I just found out about this company this morning. Sign up with promo code “S0” (that’s S “zero”) for a fat discount. Credit to Ben at https://suspicious0bservers.org/ for finding this.
Here’s the link to Mammoth Nation:
I’ve been hearing Dane Wiggington on a few podcasts lately, and something about him tickles my spidey senses. I don’t know much about him or the organization, so if you know something I don’t, please fill me in.
For one, he repeatedly says CO2 is a greenhouse gas (while comparing it to the much worse methane). The only sense in which CO2 is a greenhouse gas is in the fact that it is PLANT FOOD, and they frankly need more than they have.
The other thing is that the magnitude of the problem he describes is not even close to adequately addressed by the solutions he suggests.
Am I the only one suspicious of this guy?
I just learned about this, and it could change absolutely everything. It uses principles popularized by Tesla to harness electromagnetic energy and put it into your soil and roots. I hope the possibilities are as exciting to you as they are to me!
Overview (article): https://medium.com/@curtmercadante/what-is-electroculture-11a2b8005cdb
Gardening with copper wire (video): https://www.bitchute.com/video/DMqsHumeVM6X/