Red October is here my friends. (media.greatawakening.win) 💊 RED PILL 💊
posted ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers
NEVER SURRENDER (media.greatawakening.win) LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
posted ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers
FAFO (media.greatawakening.win) WWG1WGA
posted ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Journal of 9/11 Studies published a new paper in June, further making the case that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was destroyed by a controlled demolition on Sept. 11, 2001—and not by fires caused by the main two towers collapsing, as the official narrative claims.

Dissident researchers have been arguing for years that Building 7 collapsed at free-fall speeds, which suggests a controlled demolition.

The new paper in the Journal of 9/11 Studies further makes this case by measuring multiple points along the building, including the north and west face rooflines, as well as the north screen wall and the west penthouse.

The authors of the research—including David Chandler, who has a degree in physics from Harvey Mudd College; and Tony Szamboti, who has a degree in mechanical engineering from Villanova University—said their measurements indicated that the entire roofline of Building 7 entered free fall instantaneously and simultaneously to within two-tenths of a second.

“In summary, our new measurements show that WTC 7’s instantaneous transition to free fall did not occur only across the north face roofline of the building,” they said. “It occurred virtually simultaneously across the entire measurable roofline on the visible north and west sides of the building.”

According to the researchers, their finding undercut previous research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, which is a federal agency that conducts scientific research.

NIST has claimed that Building 7’s roof gradually accelerated to free-fall speeds, which would support government’s official narrative that Building 7 collapsed from damage and fire caused by debris from the North Tower.

But NIST only used one point of measurement on the rooftop to reach that conclusion, according to the new research, which argues that NIST’s methodology doesn’t tell the whole story.

“While a point near the center of the north face roofline did begin to experience minimal downward motion at the time NIST labels as ‘global collapse initiation,’ the rest of the north face and west face rooflines remained essentially motionless for about 1.4 seconds,” the new research paper said.

“After that, the entire north face and west face rooflines instantaneously transitioned to free fall,” it continued. “This instantaneous transition to free fall of the entire measurable roofline is conspicuously absent from NIST’s description of the downward motion.”

The Journal of 9/11 Studies research follows a significant revelation about the terrorist attacks earlier this year.

In March, veteran national security reporter Seth Hettena published a government document citing two unnamed FBI agents who allegedly said that the CIA was monitoring and attempting to recruit two of the airplane hijackers in the lead-up to the attack.

The government document is a sworn statement from Office of Military Commissions investigator Don Canestraro, who summarized the inteviews he conducted with FBI agents about the 9/11 case.

According to Canestraro, at least two FBI agents told him that the CIA had attempted to recruit two of the hijackers—Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar.

Link to research


Looking for songs that sound nice but also strong patriotism.


I've Been doing some research on the term "Snow White" and I found this article by the Chicago Tribune from the year 2000 that talks about 7 super computers operated by the CIA. It's scrubbed from the internet, but I found an archive of it. Just thought I would share my findings. Did Q shut these computers down?


u/#q143 u/#q2012


Barack Obama Ordered To Pay $313 Million For “Creation Of ISIS”

In a monumental decision, an Iranian Court has just ruled the United States government, former President Barack Obama, former President George W. Bush, the CIA, and several military defense contractors must pay over $313 million for playing a major role in the creation of Isis.

The court ruled Obama along with others are directly responsible for ISIS attacks in 2017.

The court came to the decision to hold Obama, Bush and The CIA responsible for ISIS’s deadly actions from evidence presented in Iranian court which revealed the US used the CIA in order to create terrorist groups under the leadership of Bush and Obama.

As of right now it’s unclear how the compensation order will be handled but one thing is clear and that’s the corporate media will bury this story.

Al Jeezera broke the story:

The building of the Iranian parliament and the mausoleum of the founder of Iran’s current establishment, Ruhollah Khomeini, were targeted during the daylight assault that killed 17 people in total.

The court ruled $9.95m needs to be paid to compensate for financial damages while $104m and $199m are for moral and punitive damages, respectively, with the total nearing $313m.

Those convicted in the case include the US government, Obama, former President George W Bush, Central Command (CENTCOM), and its former commander Tommy Franks, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Treasury Department, weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, and American Airlines Group.

As to why the US is being blamed for the attacks, the website cited comments by American officials about the “fundamental” role played by the US in “organising and guiding terrorist groups”, news and information published by US media, and books and speeches by US officials discussing “the CIA’s role in creating terrorist groups”, including ISIL.


My question is would this be evidence of Treason within the Obama administration?

§2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this. This sounds like a big story.


I'm the man every lesbian wants to be.

If you give an inch, they take a mile.. (reduxx.info) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
posted ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers
Science (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers
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