They say there will be "dire results" if Trump runs in 2024.
Isn't it weird how quickly they abandoned their first stunning and brave black woman VP?
For the record, Kamala's own media campaign started while Hillary was still running and "expected to win", highlighting their desperate need for a plan B.
Now they're pushing Clinton (or her doubles) again as a plan C to the failed Plan B.
They're desperate to humanize her before the whole Satanic Cabal crumbles.
To make all their other "wins" seem legitimate.
Note that you can buy Deep Rig and have private screenings, so introductions don't mean anything.
Austin Steinbart is a CIA patsy. A little polished turd. Nothing to do with Q. A failed Youtube attention whore who picked fights with Patriots for asking things like "show us proof". Q said "No Outside Comms". Why would Q, something centered around anonymity, hinge on some attention whore who can't stop promoting himself?
Why would someone supposedly associated with Q give interviews with Daily Beast "journalists"?
There needs to be an active rebuttal of everything associated with this shill on the video platforms.
He's just another one of the brainwashed "cultivated youths" that end up in the Mockingbird Media CIA complex to spin you a false reality and potentially lead the opposition away from the target.
The fact that they're pushing him so hard right now?
After all, didn't Scott Morrison receive a medal of sorts from President Trump?
Are the G7 Globalist nutbars a bit antsy about what side Australia will fall on?