Been seeing alot of cloud seeding in southern California today.. and between 2016-2020 It seemed obsolete... im just curious if anyone has thoughts on this.. am i just coocoo for coco puffs?


I swore I came across an article or two from a couple years ago that talks about the creation of Islam and how the catholic church created it, for what specific reason i forget. If anyone else has come across any info on it or can approve/disprove, would be much appreciated. Random thought i just had, but now im more curious..


Just isn't the same when u learn about the symbolism and worship of satan...

Ive lost respect for a few music groups and gained some from others..

But, WOW, is it in your face...


I'm still amazed how the largest mass shooting (LV) in American history has been so cleanly swept under the rug. Idk about everyone else but i was up all night on my pc gaming (at first) till 100s of live videos from the event happened (and i was glued to the event as it was happening for hours, idk if i even slept tht night with the shock) and barely any live footage matches the medias and month+ long investigation narrative..

Edit: W T F MATE??‍♂️


Could be about anything but i like me some wild theories ? (the term wild and theory doesn't discredit. Fact is stranger than fiction)