Ever hear of mefloquine? It too was rushed into play because the government needed a new anti malarial drug after Vietnam. How was it tested?

“ Nor was the testing of Lariam/mefloquine kosher. It was first tested on prisoners and soldiers who are not necessarily able or willing to refuse participation in clinical trials and it was also widely given to Guantanamo detainees. Phase III trials, that are supposed to be conducted on larger patient groups of up to 3,000 people, were not conducted at all, wrote the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in 2007 and "there was no serious attempt prior to licensing to explore the potential drug-drug interactions." In fact, all users of "have been involved in a natural experiment to determine the true safety margin," says the journal, because " Consumers have been unwitting recruits to this longitudinal study, rather than informed partners." No wonder mefloquine causes adverse effects in as many as 67 percent of users.”


I have suffered the neurological effects of using mefloquine while in Iraq since 2003, but was only on the drug for about 3 months. This year I was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s. Coincidence? Perhaps. Click the link to read more on some of the atrocities caused by mefloquine. Personally, a captain from my unit committed suicide in Iraq and my closest friend from my deployment died of a stroke a few years after deployment.